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Презентация на тему The bioethical basis of the doctor’s activity. Bioethics of biotechnologies


Professional ethics - the ethical norms, values, and principles that guide a profession and the ethics of decisions made within the profession
Professional ethics - the ethical norms, values, and principles that guide a One of the earliest examples of professional ethics is probably the Hippocratic The professional additional moral responsibilitiescapable of making and acting on Disciplinary codes  Disciplinary codes allow the profession to draw a standard of conduct. Professional responsibility encompasses:the duties of doctors to act in a professional manner, Professional responsibility violations in general include: 1 – Unreasonable refuse of Referral Fee splitting and the payments of commissions to attract referrals Relationships with PatientsMost ethical codes forbid doctors and nurses to have sexual Declaration of HelsinkiIn 1964, the World Medical Association established recommendations guiding medical BIOETHICS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY For example, treatment with botulinum toxin (Botox) is now used to remove Most inhabitants of Third World nations cannot afford basic antimalarial drugs. Many Bioterrorism and germ warfareThe anthrax attacks of 2001–2002 that followed the terrorist Whether or not research on germ warfare should be done is hotly Organ Donation 1 donor can save or help as many as 50 Organ replacement, artificial parts, and the Bionic ManToo few people volunteer to Organs are distributed on a first-come-first-served basis combined with urgency. In Europe Antibiotics When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they may gain resistance. Overuse Another problem is that antibiotic treatment is often discontinued too early. If Transgenic Crop plantsThere are 3 main issues to consider for transgenic crops. Loss of BiodiversityHumans have been replacing diverse natural habitats with artificial monoculture Our planet’s biodiversity is under threat from human agriculture. Animal TestingA generation ago, social activists demanded that medicines, cosmetics, shampoos, foodstuffs, What is Genetic Engineering? Scientific alterations in human possibilitiesGene TherapyStem cell researchHuman Transgenic Animals and Animal CloningGenetic manipulations could create future organisms that are Cloning Cloning is the processes used to create an exact genetic replica Why clone humans? Creating replacement tissue (spare parts)Producing a fully developed human Moral and Legal Issues of Cloning Do people have a right to Furthermore, environmental and developmental influences would mean that although genetically identical, the Altering the human germlineSoon it will become possible to deduce such things Genetic Testing Genetic tests are tests on blood and other tissue to Genetic Testing In some cases, there is no treatment. But test results Stem CellsThere are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells Stem Cell ResearchStem cells are the precursors to the differentiated cells that Stem cell research merges into other areas of biotechnology. If scientists are Current IVF embryo policyLeft-over embryosIVF procedure generates many embryos to increase chances Current IVF embryo policyWhat is an IVF clinic?Place where a couple can Current IVF embryo policyWhich is ethically “better”? Throwing out an extra embryo, What diseases do we do stem cell research on first?Muscular dystrophylikely to Common concerns in funding decisionsNumber of people with the disease. The groups Stem cell research merges into other areas of biotechnology. If scientists are Privacy and Personal Genetic InformationIt may become possible to predict future health Conflict of science with traditional religionModern advances in biology frequently conflict with Health FraudYou have probably seen ads for miracle cures - a supplement Premature babiesAs science gets better and better, extremely premature babies have switched AbortionWhether or not it is moral, should abortion be legal? Generally prohibited
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Professional ethics - the ethical norms, values, and

Professional ethics - the ethical norms, values, and principles that guide

principles that guide a profession and the ethics of

decisions made within the profession

Слайд 3 One of the earliest examples of professional ethics

One of the earliest examples of professional ethics is probably the

is probably the Hippocratic oath to which medical doctors

still adhere to this day.

Слайд 4 The professional

additional moral responsibilities

capable of

The professional additional moral responsibilitiescapable of making and acting on

making and acting on an informed decision

received the

relevant training.

Слайд 5 Disciplinary codes

Disciplinary codes allow the

Disciplinary codes  Disciplinary codes allow the profession to draw a standard of conduct.

profession to draw a standard of conduct.

Слайд 6 Professional responsibility encompasses:
the duties of doctors to act

Professional responsibility encompasses:the duties of doctors to act in a professional

in a professional manner,
obey the law,
avoid conflicts

of interest,
put the interests of patients ahead of their own interests.

Слайд 7 Professional responsibility violations in general include:
1 – Unreasonable

Professional responsibility violations in general include: 1 – Unreasonable refuse

refuse of the delivery of health care to the

2 - Disclosure of confidential information
3- Low level of the quality of health care
4- Violation of the conditions of treatment
5- Causing of harm to the patient
6- Conflict of interests

Слайд 8 Referral
Fee splitting and the payments of commissions to

Referral Fee splitting and the payments of commissions to attract

attract referrals of patients is considered unethical and unacceptable

in most parts of the world.

Слайд 9 Relationships with Patients
Most ethical codes forbid doctors and

Relationships with PatientsMost ethical codes forbid doctors and nurses to have

nurses to have sexual relationships with patients. In avoiding

such relationships the professional is acting non-maleficently.

Слайд 10 Declaration of Helsinki
In 1964, the World Medical Association

Declaration of HelsinkiIn 1964, the World Medical Association established recommendations guiding

established recommendations guiding medical doctors in biomedical research involving

human participants. The Declaration governs international research ethics and defines rules for "research combined with clinical care" and "non-therapeutic research." The Declaration of Helsinki was revised in 1975, 1983, 1989 and 1996, etc



“Morality is a private and costly luxury.” Henry B. Adams,
Who should control technology?
What should be banned or permitted and who should decide?
Who should profit?
Should access to novel and expensive technology be provided to those who cannot afford it?

Слайд 12 For example, treatment with botulinum toxin (Botox) is

For example, treatment with botulinum toxin (Botox) is now used to

now used to remove wrinkles from the skin of

the old and ugly. Botox injections cost from $300 to $500 (more than a month’s wages in many Third World nations). More than 1.6 million people received injections in 2011.
The rich have always had greater access to expensive health care, whether drugs, surgery, or simply high-quality nursing.

Слайд 13 Most inhabitants of Third World nations cannot afford

Most inhabitants of Third World nations cannot afford basic antimalarial drugs.

basic antimalarial drugs.
Many do not even have pure

drinking water.
Mass immunization against infections with cheaper, more effective vaccines benefits poor people.
Transgenic crops able to grow in poor soils and give higher yields without fertilizers may also help.
But merely saving lives from starvation causes population expansion and overcrowding, thus promoting the spread of infections.

Слайд 14 Bioterrorism and germ warfare
The anthrax attacks of 2001–2002

Bioterrorism and germ warfareThe anthrax attacks of 2001–2002 that followed the

that followed the terrorist destruction of the World Trade

Center in United States .
The actual number of casualties was low, yet the associated fear was widespread and became a hot media topic.
Guns and bombs are highly visible.
Infectious microbial agents are invisible to the naked eye. ]

Слайд 15 Whether or not research on germ warfare should

Whether or not research on germ warfare should be done is

be done is hotly debated.
Germ warfare has been

described as the “poor man’s nuclear weapon.”
Nations too poor to develop costly high-tech weapons could throw together crude biological weapons relatively easily and cheaply.
Germ warfare thus represents a possible means by which Third World nations could protect themselves against the rich nations invader.

Слайд 16 Organ Donation
1 donor can save or

Organ Donation 1 donor can save or help as many as

help as many as 50 people.
Organs you can

donate include
Internal organs: Kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestines, lungs
Bone and bone marrow
Most organ and tissue donations occur after the donor has died. But some organs and tissues can be donated while the donor is alive.
People of all ages and background can be organ donors.

Слайд 17 Organ replacement, artificial parts, and the Bionic Man

Organ replacement, artificial parts, and the Bionic ManToo few people volunteer

few people volunteer to donate their organs resulting in

a shortage.
It has been proposed to develop human clones as a source of replacement organs.
Artificial tissues (non-biological) are also being developed.
Another alternative is nanotechnology, the use of engineering on a microscopic scale ( miniature filtration units to replace defective kidneys, or photosensors for defective vision).

Слайд 18 Organs are distributed on a first-come-first-served basis combined

Organs are distributed on a first-come-first-served basis combined with urgency. In

with urgency.
In Europe - presumed consent laws for

organ donation (an individual is willing to contribute organs upon death, unless he or she has registered as a nondonor or there is other evidence to the contrary.

Слайд 19 Antibiotics
When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they

Antibiotics When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they may gain resistance.

may gain resistance. Overuse and improper use of antibiotics

have led to the spread of antibiotic resistance.
It is difficult to find effective antibiotics to treat simple infections.
Certain antibiotics are widely used in agriculture.

Слайд 20 Another problem is that antibiotic treatment is often

Another problem is that antibiotic treatment is often discontinued too early.

discontinued too early.
If the infecting bacteria are not

totally destroyed by completing the course of antibiotic treatment, the survivors may gain resistance and spread.
Poorly educated patients tend to stop taking medication as soon as the symptoms disappear.
The dosage and length of antibiotic treatment are decreased in order to save money.

Слайд 21 Transgenic Crop plants
There are 3 main issues to

Transgenic Crop plantsThere are 3 main issues to consider for transgenic

consider for transgenic crops.
1 - is whether the

food product is safe for human consumption.
2 - is the question of containment.
3 - is the question of hazard to the environment.
In practice, seeds from different batches of corn are impossible to keep wholly separate, and mixing of GMO with natural corn has occurred. DNA of transgenic
origin has been detected in wild plants.

Слайд 22 Loss of Biodiversity
Humans have been replacing diverse natural

Loss of BiodiversityHumans have been replacing diverse natural habitats with artificial

habitats with artificial monoculture for millennia.
Most natural habitats

in the advanced nations have already been replaced with some form of artificial environment based on mass production or repetition.
The real threat to biodiversity is surely the need to convert ever more of our planet into production zones to feed the ever-increasing human population.

Слайд 23
Our planet’s biodiversity is under threat from human

Our planet’s biodiversity is under threat from human agriculture.


Слайд 24 Animal Testing
A generation ago, social activists demanded that

Animal TestingA generation ago, social activists demanded that medicines, cosmetics, shampoos,

medicines, cosmetics, shampoos, foodstuffs, and every other product that

might come into contact with a human being should be rigorously tested for safety using animals. This led to massive government legislation mandating such testing. Today’s animal rights activists are demanding less animal testing.

Слайд 25 What is Genetic Engineering?
Scientific alterations in human possibilities

What is Genetic Engineering? Scientific alterations in human possibilitiesGene TherapyStem cell

Stem cell research
Human cloning
Scientific alterations in animal and plant

Modified grains tolerant of disease and drought
Cloned animals

Слайд 26 Transgenic Animals and Animal Cloning
Genetic manipulations could create

Transgenic Animals and Animal CloningGenetic manipulations could create future organisms that

future organisms that are truly bizarre by today’s standards.

By manipulating the homeobox genes, which сontrol body plans and
segmentation, maybe a “chickapede”—a chicken with multiple legs and body segments—
could be created.

Слайд 27 Cloning
Cloning is the processes used to create

Cloning Cloning is the processes used to create an exact genetic

an exact genetic replica of another cell, tissue or

organism. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone. The most famous clone was a Scottish sheep named Dolly.
3 different types of cloning:
Gene cloning, which creates copies of genes or segments of DNA
Reproductive cloning, which creates copies of whole animals
Therapeutic cloning, which creates embryonic stem cells. Researchers hope to use these cells to grow healthy tissue to replace injured or diseased tissues in the human body.

Слайд 28 Why clone humans?
Creating replacement tissue (spare parts)
Producing a

Why clone humans? Creating replacement tissue (spare parts)Producing a fully developed

fully developed human being for infertile couples
Reproducing outstanding humans

in history

Слайд 29 Moral and Legal Issues of Cloning
Do people have

Moral and Legal Issues of Cloning Do people have a right

a right to reproduce by any available means?
Do other

societal concerns override any such rights?
Will there be harmful effects on the cloned twin?
How will family relationships be redefined?
Could persons be cloned without their consent?
Would cloning be immoral because it is “unnatural”?

Слайд 30 Furthermore, environmental and developmental influences would mean that

Furthermore, environmental and developmental influences would mean that although genetically identical,

although genetically identical, the clone would not be a

true “behavioral replica.” Remember that although identical twins are genetically identical—“natural clones”—they still show considerable divergence in personality, behavior, and ability.

Слайд 31 Altering the human germline
Soon it will become possible

Altering the human germlineSoon it will become possible to deduce such

to deduce such things as the probable future height,

eye color, IQ, and beauty of the developing fetus.
Most parents would like to have smart, healthy, and attractive children, and the temptation to have abortions based on these characteristics will soon become a reality.

Слайд 32 Genetic Testing
Genetic tests are tests on blood

Genetic Testing Genetic tests are tests on blood and other tissue

and other tissue to find genetic disorders. About 900

such tests are available.
Finding possible genetic diseases in unborn babies
Finding out if people carry a gene for a disease and might pass it on to their children
Screening embryos for disease
Testing for genetic diseases in adults before they cause symptoms
Confirming a diagnosis in a person who has disease symptoms

Слайд 33 Genetic Testing
In some cases, there is

Genetic Testing In some cases, there is no treatment. But test

no treatment. But test results might help a person

make life decisions, such as career choice, family planning or insurance coverage. A genetic counselor can provide information about the pros and cons of testing.

Слайд 34 Stem Cells
There are two main types of stem

Stem CellsThere are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem

cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

and scientists are excited about stem cells because they have potential in many different areas of health and medical research. Studying stem cells may help explain how serious conditions such as birth defects and cancer come about

Слайд 35 Stem Cell Research
Stem cells are the precursors to

Stem Cell ResearchStem cells are the precursors to the differentiated cells

the differentiated cells that make up the body. Different

types of stem cells correspond to different types of tissues. Embryonic stem cells are found in the developing embryo and retain the ability to develop into any body tissue. Embryonic stem cells can be maintained in culture and may be used to create transgenic animals by insertion of DNA.

Слайд 36 Stem cell research merges into other areas of

Stem cell research merges into other areas of biotechnology. If scientists

biotechnology. If scientists are not allowed to use existing

aborted tissue, can they create their own embryos in vitro? How far should such embryos be allowed to develop? Should brain tissue be used, since that is where people believe our consciousness lies?

Слайд 37 Current IVF embryo policy
Left-over embryos
IVF procedure generates many

Current IVF embryo policyLeft-over embryosIVF procedure generates many embryos to increase

embryos to increase chances of success
Usually get thrown

out or frozen
BUT, stem cells can be derived from these!

Слайд 38 Current IVF embryo policy
What is an IVF clinic?

Current IVF embryo policyWhat is an IVF clinic?Place where a couple

where a couple can go after difficulty conceiving a

Woman’s eggs extracted; man contributes sperm
Woman’s egg fertilized in-vitro
Outside her body
Embryos inserted into her uterus ? pregnancy

Слайд 39 Current IVF embryo policy

Which is ethically “better”?

Current IVF embryo policyWhich is ethically “better”? Throwing out an extra

out an extra embryo, OR
Saving the embryo for adoption,

Using the embryo for biomedical research?
How do we find a compromise?

Слайд 40 What diseases do we do stem cell research

What diseases do we do stem cell research on first?Muscular dystrophylikely

on first?
Muscular dystrophy
likely to die by age 20


Spinal cord

paralyzed, but likely to live longer

Слайд 41 Common concerns in funding decisions
Number of people with

Common concerns in funding decisionsNumber of people with the disease. The

the disease.

The groups that suffer from the disease.

Severity of the disease.

Disease mortality.

Average age at death.

Already available therapies or treatments.

Слайд 42 Stem cell research merges into other areas of

Stem cell research merges into other areas of biotechnology. If scientists

biotechnology. If scientists are not allowed to use existing

aborted tissue, can they create their own embryos in vitro? How far should such embryos be allowed to develop? Should brain tissue be used, since that is where people believe our consciousness lies?

Слайд 43 Privacy and Personal Genetic Information
It may become possible

Privacy and Personal Genetic InformationIt may become possible to predict future

to predict future health problems by analyzing an individual’s

Such information might be of interest not only to the individual but also to the health care system, insurance companies, employers, the military, and so on.
Does the health insurance company have a right to know about your potential future health problems?

Слайд 44 Conflict of science with traditional religion
Modern advances in

Conflict of science with traditional religionModern advances in biology frequently conflict

biology frequently conflict with traditional morality.
For example, when

vaccination first emerged, its use was widely condemned by the Christian church on the grounds that it interfered with God’s will. Epidemics were seen as God’s judgment on sinful man. If God intended you to live, then you would survive the epidemic, and if God wanted you to die, then being vaccinated to avoid this was tantamount to blasphemy.

Слайд 45 Health Fraud
You have probably seen ads for miracle

Health FraudYou have probably seen ads for miracle cures - a

cures - a supplement to cure cancer, a diet

to cure diabetes. Health fraud involves selling drugs, devices, foods or cosmetics that have not been proven effective. At best, these scams don't work. At worst, they're dangerous. They also waste money, and they might keep your patient from getting the treatment he really needs.

Слайд 46 Premature babies
As science gets better and better, extremely

Premature babiesAs science gets better and better, extremely premature babies have

premature babies have switched from certain death to possible

struggle to survive.
The problem is that such care can be very expensive and doesn’t guarantee health.  A baby could survive with retardation and barely functional lungs, for instance, at the cost of several million.  By contrast, that same money could have saved hundreds of fully healthy people from starvation.
(Can you imagine having to tell a parent that?)

Слайд 47 Abortion
Whether or not it is moral, should abortion

AbortionWhether or not it is moral, should abortion be legal? Generally

be legal? Generally prohibited but with some exceptions?

Is it at all times a free choice, or are women responding to coercion in any way? 
Is it a free choice to seek abortion in desperation because of poverty, violence, or lack of support? 
What should be the community and policy response to women who feel unable to give birth to their children? 
And what is the role of the father in decisions about abortion? 

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