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Презентация на тему Natural increase&demographicstructures


Rates of birth, death, and natural increase per 1,000 populationNatural IncreaseSource: United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision, 2005.Birth and Death Rates, Worldwide
Natural increase & Demographic structures Rates of birth, death, and natural increase per 1,000 populationNatural IncreaseSource: United Birth rates in 2006 The highest and lowest birth rates in 2009 (per 1,000 population) Death rates in 2006 The highest and lowest death rates in 2009 (per 1,000 population) Natural increase - 2009 Natural increase rates in 2006 (per 1,000 population) Infant mortality - 2006 Infant mortality – 2006 per 1000 The theory of Demographic TransitionEstablished in 1945 by American scientist F. NotesteinThe The scheme of the first and the second demographical transitionŹródło: Opracowanie własne Total Fertility Rate (TFR) by UN Regions The change of TFR by UN regions in Europe The change of TFR in selected EU member states The influence of TFR on natural decteaseźródło: Billari (2005) TFR in 2007 The average age of mother giving her first birth Marriages per 1000 inhabitants Divorces per 1000 inhabitants Divorces per 100 matrimonies in 2008 Extramartial births Trends in childlessness among women by cohort The proportion of childless women at age 30 SummaryDecrease of TFR below „Zero Growth Minimum”Putting the first and next births Life Expectancy, 2011 Source: GoliniThe changing age structure of population and its consequences for development Source: Stutz, Warf. World Economy. POPULATION AGED UNDER 15 (%) POPULATION AGED UNDER 15 (%) POPULATION AGED 65+ (%) POPULATION AGED 65+ (%) The percentage of people aged 0-14 and 60+ w, 1950-2050. (Medium projection) Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Three centuries of world population ageingSource: Long-Range World Population Projections: Based on Percentage Increase in Age 60 and Over by Region, 2000-2050 Source: World Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002People aged 65+ / people aged 18 - 65 The median age of Europe is double that of Africa Source: World Median Age by Region, 1999-2050 Source: World Population Prospects, The 1998 Revision, Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002People aged 15-65 / People aged 65+ Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002People aged 85+ / people aged 50 - 64 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002 Female sex ratio in 2006Source: World Population Data Sheet 2006 Highest and lowest female sex ratio in 2006
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Rates of birth, death, and natural increase per

Rates of birth, death, and natural increase per 1,000 populationNatural IncreaseSource:

1,000 population
Natural Increase
Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects: The

2004 Revision, 2005.

Birth and Death Rates, Worldwide

Слайд 4 Birth rates in 2006

Birth rates in 2006

Слайд 5 The highest and lowest birth rates in 2009

The highest and lowest birth rates in 2009 (per 1,000 population)

(per 1,000 population)

Слайд 6 Death rates in 2006

Death rates in 2006

Слайд 7 The highest and lowest death rates in 2009

The highest and lowest death rates in 2009 (per 1,000 population)

(per 1,000 population)

Слайд 8 Natural increase - 2009

Natural increase - 2009

Слайд 9 Natural increase rates in 2006 (per 1,000 population)

Natural increase rates in 2006 (per 1,000 population)

Слайд 10 Infant mortality - 2006

Infant mortality - 2006

Слайд 11 Infant mortality – 2006 per 1000

Infant mortality – 2006 per 1000

Слайд 13 The theory of Demographic Transition
Established in 1945 by

The theory of Demographic TransitionEstablished in 1945 by American scientist F.

American scientist F. Notestein
The main issue: the change of

demographic reproduction from traditional to modern one.

Слайд 14 The scheme of the first and the second

The scheme of the first and the second demographical transitionŹródło: Opracowanie

demographical transition
Źródło: Opracowanie własne na podstawie Van de Kaa,

2002, The Idea of a Second Demographic Transition…

Слайд 15 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) by UN Regions

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) by UN Regions

Слайд 16 The change of TFR by UN regions in

The change of TFR by UN regions in Europe


Слайд 17 The change of TFR in selected EU member

The change of TFR in selected EU member states


Слайд 18 The influence of TFR on natural dectease
źródło: Billari

The influence of TFR on natural decteaseźródło: Billari (2005)


Слайд 19 TFR in 2007

TFR in 2007

Слайд 20 The average age of mother giving her first

The average age of mother giving her first birth


Слайд 21 Marriages per 1000 inhabitants

Marriages per 1000 inhabitants

Слайд 22 Divorces per 1000 inhabitants

Divorces per 1000 inhabitants

Слайд 23 Divorces per 100 matrimonies in 2008

Divorces per 100 matrimonies in 2008

Слайд 24 Extramartial births

Extramartial births

Слайд 25 Trends in childlessness among women by cohort

Trends in childlessness among women by cohort The proportion of childless women at age 30

proportion of childless women at age 30

Слайд 26 Summary
Decrease of TFR below „Zero Growth Minimum”
Putting the

SummaryDecrease of TFR below „Zero Growth Minimum”Putting the first and next

first and next births aside
Increasing number of extramartial births

extremely varied in different regions
Diffusion of processes connected with 1st and 2nd transition
Importance of pro-family policies
Results of low fertility:
Ageing of societies

Слайд 31 Life Expectancy, 2011

Life Expectancy, 2011

Слайд 38 Source: GoliniThe changing age structure of population and

Source: GoliniThe changing age structure of population and its consequences for

its consequences for development Panel discussion – Thursday, 12

October 200 Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium of United Nations

Слайд 39 Source: Stutz, Warf. World Economy.

Source: Stutz, Warf. World Economy.





Слайд 42 POPULATION AGED 65+ (%)


Слайд 43 POPULATION AGED 65+ (%)


Слайд 44 The percentage of people aged 0-14 and 60+

The percentage of people aged 0-14 and 60+ w, 1950-2050. (Medium

w, 1950-2050. (Medium projection)
Source: World Population Prospects, The

1998 Revision, Volume II: Sex and Age. The Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat

Слайд 45 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 46 Three centuries of world population ageing
Source: Long-Range World

Three centuries of world population ageingSource: Long-Range World Population Projections: Based

Population Projections: Based on the 1998 Revision. The Population

Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat

Слайд 47 Percentage Increase in Age 60 and Over by

Percentage Increase in Age 60 and Over by Region, 2000-2050 Source:

Region, 2000-2050
Source: World Population Prospects, The 1998 Revision,

Volume II: Sex and Age. The Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat

Слайд 48 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 49
Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 50 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

People aged

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002People aged 65+ / people aged 18 - 65

65+ / people aged 18 - 65

Слайд 51 The median age of Europe is double that

The median age of Europe is double that of Africa Source:

of Africa
Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 52 Median Age by Region, 1999-2050
Source: World Population

Median Age by Region, 1999-2050 Source: World Population Prospects, The 1998

Prospects, The 1998 Revision, Volume II: Sex and Age.

The Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat

Слайд 53 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

People aged

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002People aged 15-65 / People aged 65+

15-65 / People aged 65+

Слайд 54 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 55 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

People aged

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002People aged 85+ / people aged 50 - 64

85+ / people aged 50 - 64

Слайд 56 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 57 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 58 Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Source: World Population Ageing:  1950-2050, UN, 2002

Слайд 60 Female sex ratio in 2006
Source: World Population Data

Female sex ratio in 2006Source: World Population Data Sheet 2006

Sheet 2006

  • Имя файла: natural-increaseampdemographicstructures.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 73
  • Количество скачиваний: 0