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Презентация на тему New trends in urban reconstruction at former industrial territories

ContentWhy is it important?Examples from Western EuropeNew trendsConclusions
New trends in urban reconstruction at former industrial territoriesÁron KutnyánszkyMaster Student of ContentWhy is it important?Examples from Western EuropeNew trendsConclusions Why is it important?because we care about our environmentbecause they’re in the Vienna, GasometerWhat was before:huge gas tanksbuilt between 1896 and 1899 worked till 1986 Vienna, GasometerArchitects:Coop Himmelb(l)auStefan EttlJean NouvelManfred Wehdorn Vienna, GasometerWhat has been built:reconstruction started in 1996student hostels, small flats for Rotterdam, Kop van ZuidWhat was before:portpoor quality housesfrom early XIX. cent. Rotterdam, Kop van ZuidArchitects:Rick BakkerTeun KoolhaasNorman FosterRenzo Piano Rotterdam, Kop van ZuidWhat has been built:reconstruction started in 1994social apartments, houses London, Olympic parkWhat was before:industrial quarterfrom end of XIX. cent. London, Olympic parkArchitects:PopulusZaha HadidHopkinsAllies & Morrison London, Olympic parkWhat has been built:reconstruction started in 2005sport complexesrevitalisation on the Trend #1: Multifunctional buildingdifferent flats for different sectors of societysell it or Trend #2: High quality architectureexperienced architecturesflagship projects Trend #3: Vibrant cultural liferaises desirabilitygood means of marketingpositive influence spreads out Trend #4: Improvement of public spaceslarge green areasnice pavementsfashionable street furniture Trend #5: Development of public transportationnew residential areas without good access of Conclusionscomprehensive approach is needed for a successful reconstructionproblems have to be solved together Questions? Thank you for your attention.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content
Why is it important?
Examples from Western Europe
New trends

ContentWhy is it important?Examples from Western EuropeNew trendsConclusions

Слайд 3 Why is it important?
because we care about our

Why is it important?because we care about our environmentbecause they’re in

because they’re in the centre of the city
because they’re


Слайд 4 Vienna, Gasometer
What was before:
huge gas tanks
built between 1896

Vienna, GasometerWhat was before:huge gas tanksbuilt between 1896 and 1899 worked till 1986

and 1899
worked till 1986

Слайд 5 Vienna, Gasometer
Coop Himmelb(l)au
Stefan Ettl
Jean Nouvel
Manfred Wehdorn

Vienna, GasometerArchitects:Coop Himmelb(l)auStefan EttlJean NouvelManfred Wehdorn

Слайд 6 Vienna, Gasometer
What has been built:
reconstruction started in 1996

Vienna, GasometerWhat has been built:reconstruction started in 1996student hostels, small flats

hostels, small flats for students, three room flats for

families, exclusive lofts
offices, conference hall
shopping centre, cinemas, sport complex
municipal and the regional archive
subway U3 was prolonged, new north-east highway

Слайд 7 Rotterdam, Kop van Zuid
What was before:
poor quality houses

Rotterdam, Kop van ZuidWhat was before:portpoor quality housesfrom early XIX. cent.

early XIX. cent.

Слайд 8 Rotterdam, Kop van Zuid
Rick Bakker
Teun Koolhaas
Norman Foster
Renzo Piano

Rotterdam, Kop van ZuidArchitects:Rick BakkerTeun KoolhaasNorman FosterRenzo Piano

Слайд 9 Rotterdam, Kop van Zuid
What has been built:
reconstruction started

Rotterdam, Kop van ZuidWhat has been built:reconstruction started in 1994social apartments,

in 1994
social apartments, houses for the middle-class, luxury homes

buildings, business related constructions
two new universities
port was turned into an industrial museum, gallery, theatre, cinemas
Erasmus Bridge, tram line, new metro station

Слайд 10 London, Olympic park
What was before:
industrial quarter
from end of

London, Olympic parkWhat was before:industrial quarterfrom end of XIX. cent.

XIX. cent.

Слайд 11 London, Olympic park
Zaha Hadid
Allies & Morrison

London, Olympic parkArchitects:PopulusZaha HadidHopkinsAllies & Morrison

Слайд 12 London, Olympic park
What has been built:
reconstruction started in

London, Olympic parkWhat has been built:reconstruction started in 2005sport complexesrevitalisation on

sport complexes
revitalisation on the river Lee, huge park
modern power

olympic village transformed into block of flats, another 9000 flats
development of public transport , road network (pedestrians, cyclists, cars)

Слайд 13 Trend #1: Multifunctional building
different flats for different sectors

Trend #1: Multifunctional buildingdifferent flats for different sectors of societysell it

of society
sell it or rent it + social housing

houses, cultural facilities are mixed

Слайд 14 Trend #2: High quality architecture
experienced architectures
flagship projects

Trend #2: High quality architectureexperienced architecturesflagship projects

Слайд 15 Trend #3: Vibrant cultural life
raises desirability
good means of

Trend #3: Vibrant cultural liferaises desirabilitygood means of marketingpositive influence spreads out

positive influence spreads out

Слайд 16 Trend #4: Improvement of public spaces
large green areas

Trend #4: Improvement of public spaceslarge green areasnice pavementsfashionable street furniture

fashionable street furniture

Слайд 17 Trend #5: Development of public transportation
new residential areas

Trend #5: Development of public transportationnew residential areas without good access

without good access of public transport are not relevant


Слайд 18 Conclusions
comprehensive approach is needed for a successful reconstruction

Conclusionscomprehensive approach is needed for a successful reconstructionproblems have to be solved together

have to be solved together

Слайд 19 Questions?


  • Имя файла: new-trends-in-urban-reconstruction-at-former-industrial-territories.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 110
  • Количество скачиваний: 0