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Презентация на тему The united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland


Russia and Great BritainThe UK-Russia Year of Culture 2014 will celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of both countries. It aims to foster cultural exchange and the flow of ideas whilst developing stronger relations between people, institutions and governments. 
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Russia and Great BritainThe UK-Russia Year of Culture 2014 will celebrate the rich The scale of the programmes across arts, education, language and science is indicative of In Ryazan State University students can choose among different places to go Scotland Saint Andrew's CrossThe national EnglandSt. George's CrossThe national WalesThe Red DragonThe Northern IrelandThe Ulster Banner  This was a civil flag The Union Jack NATIONAL SYMBOLS OF THE UKEach country in Britain has its own patron RED ROSE  The national flower of England is the rose. The THISTLE  The national flower of Scotland is the thistle, a prickly-leaved SHAMROCK  The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, a LEEK and DAFFODIL  The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, One of the most widespread languages on the planetEnglish today is probably Approximately 375 million people speak English as their first language. English is English as a second languageThe number of second language speakers vary greatly The lingua francaEnglish is so widely spoken, so it has often been referred Ассоциации Великобританию россияне ассоциируют с королевой и монархией. Второе место поделили между собой столица Британии Лондон и его главный символ - Биг-Бен. Некоторые ассоциируют Великобританию с туманом, дождем и сыростью. Существуют и такие варианты ответов, как Березовский, Шерлок Холмс, Черчилль, принцесса Диана, «Битлз». А также Гарри Поттер и правостороннее автомобильное движение. Musical BritainEngland The North of EnglandEngland is the musical centre of Great Britain. In England there are strong local traditions of music, the North of Beatles fans queue outside the HMV music  store in Liverpool“The Beatles” English church choirs English church choirs Canterbury cathedral Buckingham Palace English pubs The Great North Country and Western Festival is the oldest Country Music Folk Festivalsk-pop, The Tower Bridge was opened in 1893. Its towers are 65 metres. London EyeA modern but already very popular tourist attraction is the London Trafalgar SquareTrafalgar Square, the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city. Big BenPiccadilly Circus
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Russia and Great Britain
The UK-Russia Year of Culture

Russia and Great BritainThe UK-Russia Year of Culture 2014 will celebrate the

2014 will celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of both

countries. It aims to foster cultural exchange and the flow of ideas whilst developing stronger relations between people, institutions and governments. 

Слайд 3 The scale of the programmes across arts, education, language

The scale of the programmes across arts, education, language and science is indicative

and science is indicative of a huge improvement in cultural


Слайд 4 In Ryazan State University students can choose among

In Ryazan State University students can choose among different places to

different places to go study abroad. For example, the

university gives an opportunity of taking summer courses in some cities of Great Britain.

Слайд 5

Scotland Saint Andrew's CrossThe national flag of Scotland

 Saint Andrew's Cross

The national flag of Scotland is the

Saltire. It is made up of a great white cross which spans diagonally across the flag on a blue background. This was the supposed shape of the cross that St. Andrew was put to death on and therefore the flag is also known as the 'Cross of St. Andrew'. 


Слайд 6

EnglandSt. George's CrossThe national flag of England

St. George's Cross
The national flag of England bears a

red colored cross on a white background. The cross stretches from right to left and top to bottom, its intersection in the center of the rectangle, and is known as St. George's Cross. 

Слайд 7

WalesThe Red DragonThe flag of Wales

The Red Dragon
The flag of Wales consists of

two horizontal halves - the top half is white and the bottom half is green. In the center of the Welsh flag is a red dragon. The exact representation of the dragon is not standardized and many different interpretations exist.

Слайд 8 Northern Ireland
The Ulster

Northern IrelandThe Ulster Banner  This was a civil flag for


 This was a civil flag for Northern Ireland, but the

status of this was abolished when the Belfast Stormont assembly was closed down in 1973. Thereafter, the Union Flag was made official for all purposes in Northern Ireland.

During official events, the British government uses the Union Flag, which is the official flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and is the only flag used by the government in Northern Ireland.

Слайд 9 The Union Jack

The Union Jack

Each country in Britain

NATIONAL SYMBOLS OF THE UKEach country in Britain has its own

has its own patron saint and floral emblem:

Слайд 11 RED ROSE
The national flower of England

RED ROSE The national flower of England is the rose. The

is the rose. The flower has been adopted as

England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses - civil wars (1455-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster (whose emblem was a red rose) and the royal house of York (whose emblem was a white rose).

Слайд 12 THISTLE
The national flower of Scotland is

THISTLE The national flower of Scotland is the thistle, a prickly-leaved

the thistle, a prickly-leaved purple flower which was first

used in the 15th century as a symbol of defence.

The national flower of Northern Ireland

SHAMROCK The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, a

is the shamrock, a three-leaved plant similar to clover.

An Irish tale tells of how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.

Слайд 14 LEEK and DAFFODIL
The national flower of

LEEK and DAFFODIL The national flower of Wales is the daffodil,

Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn on

St. David’s Day. The vegetable called leek is also a traditional emblem of Wales.

Слайд 15 One of the most widespread languages on the

One of the most widespread languages on the planetEnglish today is

English today is probably the third largest language by

number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish

Слайд 16 Approximately 375 million people speak English as their

Approximately 375 million people speak English as their first language. English

first language. English is the official language in 54 countries

and 27 non-sovereign entities.
The countries with the highest populations of native English speakers are, in descending order: the United States (226 million), the United Kingdom(61 million), Canada (18.2 million), Australia (15.5 million), Nigeria (4 million), Ireland (3.8 million), South Africa (3.7 million), and New Zealand (3.6 million).

Слайд 17 English as a second language

The number of second

English as a second languageThe number of second language speakers vary

language speakers vary greatly from 470 million to over

a billion.
The number of non-native speakers is thrice more than the number of native speakers.

Слайд 18 The lingua franca
English is so widely spoken, so it

The lingua francaEnglish is so widely spoken, so it has often been

has often been referred to as a "world language",

and while it is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language. A lot of modern literature is in English, it is commonly used in the Internet and in press.

Слайд 19 Ассоциации
Великобританию россияне ассоциируют с королевой и монархией.

Второе место поделили

Ассоциации Великобританию россияне ассоциируют с королевой и монархией. Второе место поделили между собой столица Британии Лондон и его главный символ - Биг-Бен.

между собой столица Британии Лондон и его главный символ - Биг-Бен.

Слайд 20 Некоторые ассоциируют Великобританию с туманом, дождем и сыростью.

Некоторые ассоциируют Великобританию с туманом, дождем и сыростью.

Слайд 21
Существуют и такие варианты ответов, как Березовский, Шерлок Холмс,

Существуют и такие варианты ответов, как Березовский, Шерлок Холмс, Черчилль, принцесса Диана, «Битлз».

Черчилль, принцесса Диана, «Битлз».

Слайд 22 А также Гарри Поттер и правостороннее автомобильное движение.

А также Гарри Поттер и правостороннее автомобильное движение.

Слайд 23 Musical Britain

Musical BritainEngland

Слайд 24 The North of England
England is the musical centre

The North of EnglandEngland is the musical centre of Great Britain.

of Great Britain.

Слайд 25 In England there are strong local traditions of

In England there are strong local traditions of music, the North

music, the North of Britain has a deep custom

of brass band music.

Слайд 26 Beatles fans queue outside the HMV music store

Beatles fans queue outside the HMV music store in Liverpool“The Beatles” is internationally well-known musical group.

in Liverpool
“The Beatles” is internationally well-known musical group.

Слайд 27 English church choirs

English church choirs

Слайд 28 English church choirs

English church choirs

Слайд 29 Canterbury cathedral

Canterbury cathedral

Слайд 32 Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 33 English pubs

English pubs

Слайд 34 The Great North Country and Western Festival is

The Great North Country and Western Festival is the oldest Country

the oldest Country Music
The Great North Country and

Western Festival is the oldest Country Music Festival in the North of England
There is a huge marquee with a professionally built stage, lighting and sound system, Seating at the front of the stage is for those who wish to simply sit and listen to the music, and behind it are table and chairs for those who wish to 'do their own thing' and at the back a spacious dance floor surrounded by circular tables and chairs for those who wish to dance.

Слайд 36 Folk Festivals

Folk Festivalsk-pop,

Слайд 37 The Tower Bridge was opened in 1893. Its

The Tower Bridge was opened in 1893. Its towers are 65

towers are 65 metres.
The Tower of London is

famous for its ravens, they’ve lived here for 900 years. The Crown will fall, if the ravens leave the Tower.


Слайд 38 London Eye
A modern but already very popular tourist

London EyeA modern but already very popular tourist attraction is the

attraction is the London Eye, a giant observation wheel.

Слайд 39 Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square, the largest square in London,

Trafalgar SquareTrafalgar Square, the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city.

is often considered the heart of the city.

Слайд 40 Big Ben
Piccadilly Circus

Big BenPiccadilly Circus

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