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Презентация на тему Pathophysiology. (Subject 1)

PATHOPHYSIOLOGYophthalmologyneurologysurgerytherapygynecologystomatologyPHARMACOLOGYPATHOLOGICALANATOMYBiologyMicrobiologyChemistryPhysicsPhilosophyNormal physiologyBiochemistryHistologyImmunologyGeneticsThe interrelations between Pathophysiology and other medical disciplines
Pathophysiology PATHOPHYSIOLOGYophthalmologyneurologysurgerytherapygynecologystomatologyPHARMACOLOGYPATHOLOGICALANATOMYBiologyMicrobiologyChemistryPhysicsPhilosophyNormal physiologyBiochemistryHistologyImmunologyGeneticsThe interrelations between Pathophysiology and other medical disciplines Head of Pathophysiology Department KOLESNIK Yuri MikhailovichRector of ZSMU,	M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor, PathophysiologyPATHOS – diseasePHYSIS  – essenceLOGOS  – knowledge Science studying the Pathophysiology tasksCreation of the disease general conception (general nosology)Study of :reasons and Experimental therapy Working out of new methods of diseases treatment and prophylaxis The main methods of PathophysiologyExperimental modelling of:pathologic processes on animals;protective and adaptive Pathophysiological experimentIt includes four stages:Planning the experiment;Carrying out of experiment (modelling and The main methods of PathophysiologyClinical examination of various diseases with different tests Scientific work of departmentneuro-endocrine mechanisms of endocrine pancreas regulation the role of Pathogenesis is the study of general mechanisms of diseases onset and development. The role of etiologic factor in disease developmentEtiologic factor can “switch” some The main link of pathogenesis The main link of pathogenesis is that The role of local and general changes in the organism Local changes The role of pathogenic and adaptive reactions during disease developmentPathogenesis of all The difference between disease and pathological process Civilization (lifestyle) diseasesPositive consequences of civilization: resistance to infections, increased life duration.Negative Causality-effective relations in pathogenesis Direct raw of events heat increases cell’s metabolism Causality-effective relations in pathogenesisDivaricated type of eventsDilatation of peripheral vesselsDrop of ABPIncreased Causality-effective relations in pathogenesisVicious circleHigh temperature of the airHigh body temperatureIncreased neuro-muscular Why disease developREASONSCONDITIONSDISEASEADAPTATIONORGANISM Organism responceReactivity - ability to respond to internal and external factors.Resistance - Types of reactivityLevels: normal, increased, low, absent (anergy) Species reactivity (fish, bird, Types of resistance Passive resistance – barrier systems, bactericidial agents, inborn immunity.Active Mechanisms of reactivity and resistance formation General mechanisms – influence of CNS,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Normal physiology

The interrelations between Pathophysiology and other medical

PATHOPHYSIOLOGYophthalmologyneurologysurgerytherapygynecologystomatologyPHARMACOLOGYPATHOLOGICALANATOMYBiologyMicrobiologyChemistryPhysicsPhilosophyNormal physiologyBiochemistryHistologyImmunologyGeneticsThe interrelations between Pathophysiology and other medical disciplines


Слайд 3 Head of Pathophysiology Department
KOLESNIK Yuri Mikhailovich

Rector of

Head of Pathophysiology Department KOLESNIK Yuri MikhailovichRector of ZSMU,	M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.,

M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor, Honoured Science and Technique Worker

of Ukraine

Слайд 4 Pathophysiology
PATHOS – disease
PHYSIS – essence

PathophysiologyPATHOS – diseasePHYSIS – essenceLOGOS – knowledge Science studying the basic


Science studying the basic patterns of occurrence, development

and outcome of disease

Слайд 5 Pathophysiology tasks
Creation of the disease general conception (general

Pathophysiology tasksCreation of the disease general conception (general nosology)Study of :reasons

Study of :
reasons and conditions of disease development (general

general mechanisms of disease development (general pathogenesis)
typical pathological processes which form the basis of the disease in different combination

Слайд 6 Experimental therapy
Working out of new methods of

Experimental therapy Working out of new methods of diseases treatment and

diseases treatment and prophylaxis
Sanogenesis – mechanism of recovery

SANOS – health GENESIS – origin

sanogenic therapy – type of pathogenetic treatment
(medicines, IR-rays, hypoxia, physical loading, starvation, normalization of mental state).

Слайд 7 The main methods of Pathophysiology
Experimental modelling of:
pathologic processes

The main methods of PathophysiologyExperimental modelling of:pathologic processes on animals;protective and

on animals;
protective and adaptive reactions on animals and humans;

of experiments:
acute (vivisection) – collapse, shock, renal failure
chronic – atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension

Слайд 8 Pathophysiological experiment
It includes four stages:
Planning the experiment;
Carrying out

Pathophysiological experimentIt includes four stages:Planning the experiment;Carrying out of experiment (modelling

of experiment (modelling and obtaining results);
Statistic analysis of observations;

the conclusions.

Слайд 9 The main methods of Pathophysiology
Clinical examination of various

The main methods of PathophysiologyClinical examination of various diseases with different

diseases with different tests (clinical pathophysiology)
to reveal specific

of a disease in a certain patient
to increase effectiveness of treatment

Physical and mathematical modelling

Слайд 10 Scientific work of department
neuro-endocrine mechanisms of endocrine pancreas

Scientific work of departmentneuro-endocrine mechanisms of endocrine pancreas regulation the role

the role of hypothalamic neuro-hormones in diabetes mellitus

new methods of treatment and prophylaxis of diabetes mellitus and prevention of its complications
pathogenesis of arterial hypertension

Слайд 11 Pathogenesis is the study of general mechanisms of

Pathogenesis is the study of general mechanisms of diseases onset and development.

diseases onset and development.

Слайд 12 The role of etiologic factor in disease development

The role of etiologic factor in disease developmentEtiologic factor can “switch”

factor can “switch” some diseases (radiation sickness, myocardial infarction).

factor can be constantly present in the organism (insulin deficiency in diabetes mellitus).
The role of etiologic factor in chronic infectious diseases changes according to the stage of disease

Слайд 13 The main link of pathogenesis
The main link

The main link of pathogenesis The main link of pathogenesis is

of pathogenesis is that process that is absolutely important

and underlies disease development.
Allergy – release of biologically active substances and their influence on tissues (histamine and others)
Atherosclerosis – accumulation of lipids inside the vessel wall

Слайд 14 The role of local and general changes in

The role of local and general changes in the organism Local

the organism
Local changes may start the disease (trauma,

burns) and then become the part of organism’s general reaction to injury.
Local changes may appear after the development of disease’s general signs and symptoms.

Слайд 15 The role of pathogenic and adaptive reactions during

The role of pathogenic and adaptive reactions during disease developmentPathogenesis of

disease development
Pathogenesis of all the diseases and pathological processes

includes both pathological and adaptive reactions.
Their combination, importance and the level of expression widely vary even in the patients with the same pathology.

Слайд 16 The difference between disease and pathological process

The difference between disease and pathological process

Слайд 17 Civilization (lifestyle) diseases
Positive consequences of civilization: resistance to

Civilization (lifestyle) diseasesPositive consequences of civilization: resistance to infections, increased life

infections, increased life duration.
Negative consequences: ↑ amount of meat

and lipids in food, hypodynamia, smoking, stresses.
Civilization diseases: circulatory and respiratory system diseases, atherosclerosis, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, allergy etc.

Слайд 18 Causality-effective relations in pathogenesis
Direct raw of events

Causality-effective relations in pathogenesis Direct raw of events heat increases cell’s

heat increases cell’s metabolism ⇒
accumulation of suboxidised substances

organism’s intoxication ⇒
irritation of chemoreceptors ⇒
alteration of CNS neurons function ⇒
heat shock development.

Слайд 19 Causality-effective relations in pathogenesis
Divaricated type of events

Dilatation of

Causality-effective relations in pathogenesisDivaricated type of eventsDilatation of peripheral vesselsDrop of

peripheral vessels
Drop of ABP
Increased sweating
Blood condensation
Increased clotting
Heart overload

of blood

High temperature and high humidity

Decrease of brain
blood supply


Слайд 20 Causality-effective relations in pathogenesis
Vicious circle
High temperature of the

Causality-effective relations in pathogenesisVicious circleHigh temperature of the airHigh body temperatureIncreased

High body
Increased neuro-muscular
Increase of


Слайд 21 Why disease develop


Слайд 22 Organism responce
Reactivity - ability to respond to internal

Organism responceReactivity - ability to respond to internal and external factors.Resistance

and external factors.
Resistance - stability of the organism to

the action of unfavorable factors.
Normally - direct dependence
irregular dependence:
? reactivity ? resistance – allergy
? reactivity ? resistance – in hibernating animals

Слайд 23 Types of reactivity
Levels: normal, increased, low, absent (anergy)

Types of reactivityLevels: normal, increased, low, absent (anergy) Species reactivity (fish,

Species reactivity (fish, bird, rat, dog, human)
Group reactivity

(newborns, children, old people)
Constitution-related (asthenic, hyperstenic)
Individual reactivity

Слайд 24 Types of resistance
Passive resistance – barrier systems,

Types of resistance Passive resistance – barrier systems, bactericidial agents, inborn

bactericidial agents, inborn immunity.
Active resistance – adaptative and compensatory

Compensatory reaction – to restore the homeostasis and decrease the injury
Adaptation –organism is adapted to environment
Cross-resistance: the development of resistance to one factor is accompanied with the stability to another factors (conditioning to cold, hypoxia)

  • Имя файла: pathophysiology-subject-1.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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