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Презентация на тему Adopted children

Adopted children tend to be older than children in the general population. Among adopted children, 6 percent are under age 3 compared with 16 percent of children in the general population; see Figure 8. Among other
Adopted childrenPresented by Burmistrova A. Adopted children tend to be older than children in the general population. Why adoption is a positive side?Family gives love and care, which is My friend introduced the debate titled Can this happen to your child's head? Of course! What can you Currently, many celebrities adopt children. Despite the fact that they have a Nicole Kidman married to Tom Cruise could not get pregnant. But the Angelina Jolie with her adopted children Madonna with her adopted daughter Mercy from Malawi. Sharon Stone with adopted sons Roan, Laird and Quinn
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Adopted children tend to be older than

Adopted children tend to be older than children in the general

in the general population. Among
adopted children, 6 percent

are under age
3 compared with 16 percent of children in
the general population; see Figure 8.
Among other reasons, this age difference
is due to the fact that some children are
adopted at older ages, rather than as infants.
Additionally, the estimates presented here
are representative of children with finalized
adoptions, and adoptions typically take a
minimum of six months to finalize. Larger
percentages of internationally adopted
children are under age 5 (24 percent)
than are other adopted children (9 percent
for children adopted from foster care;
13 percent for those adopted privately
from the United States)

Слайд 3 Why adoption is a positive side?
Family gives love

Why adoption is a positive side?Family gives love and care, which

and care, which is
necessary for a child.
Thoughts form

the character:
1. Thoughts affect feelings.
2. Feelings affect behavior.
3. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors
build character.

Слайд 4 My friend introduced the debate titled "Invisible Box".

My friend introduced the debate titled

Stretching out his hand, he drew in the air

imaginary box, 20 cm high and 10 cm wide, and then stepped inside the box and closed the imaginary door, he said that many people live within these imaginary boxes. How can this apply to children?

1. This imaginary box where they keep their resentment and anger.
2. This imaginary box, where they are laceration, and injected a negative attitude to everything.
3. This imaginary box where they hide many secrets and excuses.

Слайд 5 Can this happen to your child's head? Of

Can this happen to your child's head? Of course! What can

course! What can you do? Hear words like these:

- Nobody loves me.
- I can not do it.
- It's too difficult or hard for me.

Teach your child to three simple rules, like him or her to overcome difficult times.

1. These feelings are not so terrible or awful.
2. Fear and horror - it's just a little noise, inconvenience, found on your life path.
3. Feelings do not have to know you.

Слайд 6 Currently, many celebrities adopt children. Despite the fact

Currently, many celebrities adopt children. Despite the fact that they have

that they have a very tight schedule and they

are rarely home, they find time to devote his attention to children without making the differences between native and adopted children.

Слайд 7 Nicole Kidman married to Tom Cruise could not

Nicole Kidman married to Tom Cruise could not get pregnant. But

get pregnant. But the desire to be a mother

was so strong that she decided to take two at once adopted children - son Connor and daughter Isabella.

Слайд 8 Angelina Jolie with her adopted children

Angelina Jolie with her adopted children

Слайд 9 Madonna with her adopted daughter Mercy from Malawi.

Madonna with her adopted daughter Mercy from Malawi.

  • Имя файла: adopted-children.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 86
  • Количество скачиваний: 1