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Презентация на тему The analysis of the word

At the house they said the boy had refused to let any one come into the room.
At the house they said the boy had refused to let any Grammatical characteristics:Notional verbTransitive and intransitive verbRegular verb      (Refuse-refused-refused) Lexical characteristics:This is a monosemantic word.It’s primary meaning is to show that [with object]indicate that one is not willing to accept or grant (something [with two objects]:E.G the old lady was refused admission to four hospitals informal(of a thing) fail to perform a required action:E.G the car refused to start [with object] dated decline to accept an offer of marriage from (someone):E.G [with object](of a horse) stop short or run aside at (a fence Refuse as a noun ( Мусор)matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; rubbishE.G heaps of refuse Refuse as an adjective (неоднократный)E.G repeatedly refuse Synonyms: Reject SpurnDecline Antonyms:Agree Accept Welcome Derivatives Refuser (noun) Idiomsrefuse collection — мусороуборочный refuse to be rushed — отказываться делать второпях Exercises:Владельцы кинотеатров имеют право не пустить в зал любого человека младше 18 Keys:The cinema owners have the right to refuse admission to anyone under
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 At the house they said the boy had

At the house they said the boy had refused to let

refused to let any one come into the room.

Слайд 3 Grammatical characteristics:
Notional verb
Transitive and intransitive verb
Regular verb

Grammatical characteristics:Notional verbTransitive and intransitive verbRegular verb   (Refuse-refused-refused)


Слайд 4 Lexical characteristics:
This is a monosemantic word.
It’s primary meaning

Lexical characteristics:This is a monosemantic word.It’s primary meaning is to show

is to show that one is not willing to

do something:
E. G I refused to answer
( отказываться)

Слайд 5 [with object]
indicate that one is not willing to

[with object]indicate that one is not willing to accept or grant

accept or grant (something offered or requested):
E.G she refused

a cigarette

Слайд 6 [with two objects]:
E.G the old lady was refused

[with two objects]:E.G the old lady was refused admission to four hospitals

admission to four hospitals

Слайд 7 informal
(of a thing) fail to perform a required

informal(of a thing) fail to perform a required action:E.G the car refused to start

E.G the car refused to start

Слайд 8 [with object]
dated decline to accept an offer

[with object] dated decline to accept an offer of marriage from

of marriage from (someone):
E.G he’s so conceited he’d never

believe anyone would refuse him

Слайд 9 [with object]
(of a horse) stop short or run

[with object](of a horse) stop short or run aside at (a

aside at (a fence or other obstacle) instead of

jumping it:
E.G her horse refused a high hedge

[no object]:
E.G again the horse refused, his nostrils flaring with fear

Слайд 10 Refuse as a noun ( Мусор)
matter thrown away

Refuse as a noun ( Мусор)matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; rubbishE.G heaps of refuse

or rejected as worthless; rubbish
E.G heaps of refuse

Слайд 11 Refuse as an adjective (неоднократный)
E.G repeatedly refuse

Refuse as an adjective (неоднократный)E.G repeatedly refuse

Слайд 12 Synonyms:


Synonyms: Reject SpurnDecline

Слайд 13 Antonyms:

Antonyms:Agree Accept Welcome

Слайд 14 Derivatives
Refuser (noun)

Derivatives Refuser (noun)

Слайд 15 Idioms
refuse collection — мусороуборочный
refuse to be rushed

Idiomsrefuse collection — мусороуборочный refuse to be rushed — отказываться делать

— отказываться делать второпях
repeatedly refuse — неоднократно

to deal with smb. — отказываться иметь дело с кем-л.
refuse flatly — наотрез отказать или отказаться

Слайд 16 Exercises:
Владельцы кинотеатров имеют право не пустить в зал

Exercises:Владельцы кинотеатров имеют право не пустить в зал любого человека младше

любого человека младше 18 лет.
Он им ни в чем

не отказывал.
Он сделал ей предложение, но она отказала.
Она отказалась пойти с ним.
Он не думает, что я могу отказаться устраивать эту встречу для него.

  • Имя файла: the-analysis-of--the-word.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 101
  • Количество скачиваний: 0