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Презентация на тему The future of our planet

Top 10 Hypotheses About The Earth’s Future The technology will go beyond anything ever imaginedThe obliteration of deathSpace travel will become a commodityWe will have a map of the spaceIt will be possible to considerably extend
The Future of Our Planet Top 10 Hypotheses About The Earth’s Future The technology will go beyond 1. Неизбежное разрушение ЗемлиFrom nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands to 2. Эффективные и безопасные для окружающей среды энергетические решенияAt this point, most 3. Небывалый рост населения больше не будет проблемойAs the population on Earth 4. Контакт с внеземными цивилизациямиEven with the currently limited technology, NASA experts 5. Жизнь среди роботовIrrespective of whether we will encounter other life forms 6. Технологии превзойдут любое воображениеThere is no doubt that in the near 7. У нас будет карта космосаThis prediction is actually very achievable at 8. Космические путешествия станут обычным явлениемBelieve it or not, some astronomers claim 9. Появится возможность значительно продлить человеческую жизньConsidering the numerous ways the aging 10. Упразднение смертиThe abolishment of death has been a human preoccupation from
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Слайд 3 Top 10 Hypotheses About The Earth’s Future
The technology

Top 10 Hypotheses About The Earth’s Future The technology will go

will go beyond anything ever imagined
The obliteration of death

travel will become a commodity

We will have a map of the space

It will be possible to considerably extend human life

Earth’s imminent destruction

Contact with alien civilizations

Effective and environmental friendly energy solutions

The population’s incredible growth will not be a problem anymore

Living among robots

Слайд 4 1. Неизбежное разрушение Земли
From nuclear weapons falling into

1. Неизбежное разрушение ЗемлиFrom nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands

the wrong hands to giant asteroids hitting the Earth

at any moment, it is clear now the planet is exposed to several major risks that can bring its destruction. While you can surely blame this pessimistic view on all gloomy realities present these days, it is important to note that all religious holy books foresee a dark future for Earth and its inhabitants.

Слайд 5 2. Эффективные и безопасные для окружающей среды энергетические

2. Эффективные и безопасные для окружающей среды энергетические решенияAt this point,

At this point, most people and governments are aware

that our hectic consumption behavior has a negative impact on the environment and is possibly the main cause of the extreme climate changes. However, even as we speak efforts are being made in identifying a renewable, less polluting source of energy to meet the entire globe’s needs. Take the European Union for instance, whose experts are working diligently on finding a method to employ wind and solar power throughout all member states.

Слайд 6 3. Небывалый рост населения больше не будет проблемой

3. Небывалый рост населения больше не будет проблемойAs the population on

the population on Earth hit 7 billion inhabitants, more

and more analysts claim that there is literarily not enough food to support such a high number of people. Given the latest rumors on the limited natural resources and fresh water supply, you have to admit that they make a good point. On the other hand, the good news is that numerous scientists have already started experimenting with engineered food, an invention that might just solve the world’s biggest issue, if it will prove effective.

Слайд 7 4. Контакт с внеземными цивилизациями
Even with the currently

4. Контакт с внеземными цивилизациямиEven with the currently limited technology, NASA

limited technology, NASA experts have managed to create a

space shuttle that has recently left the solar system. Going beyond the familiar neighborhood opens up a real possibility to explore other planets and find life. In fact, the topic of coming into contact with other races and alien civilizations has received a lot of hype after Curiosity reached Mars. Several of the photos sent home by Curiosity really sparkled people’s imagination as they keep finding Egyptian statues, footprints and mummified fingers in the pictures.

Слайд 8 5. Жизнь среди роботов
Irrespective of whether we will

5. Жизнь среди роботовIrrespective of whether we will encounter other life

encounter other life forms beyond the solar system, a

vast percentage of people believe that in the future we will be living among intelligent robots. Furthermore, it is commonly accepted that these robots will surely be more intelligent than people and the only way we can coexist with them is to keep up the pace with the technology we create. The bottom line is that people will shift the paradigm in the evolution of life by creating such intelligent machines.

Слайд 9 6. Технологии превзойдут любое воображение
There is no doubt

6. Технологии превзойдут любое воображениеThere is no doubt that in the

that in the near and far future there will

be some incredible technological advancements. However, there is no way anyone can predict what we will be able to achieve with the technology we will posses in 1000 years for instance. For the time being, people are still intrigued by the tremendous potential of nanotechnology. Who knows, perhaps nano can one day become an answer to serious medical problems and the implants will have the potential to replace tissue and organs in the human body.

Слайд 10 7. У нас будет карта космоса
This prediction is

7. У нас будет карта космосаThis prediction is actually very achievable

actually very achievable at this point, considering that numerous

expert claim they have mapped out most of the known cosmos. However, what is expected in the future is to foretell the major cosmic events that could have potentially negative consequences for our home planet. In this light, the exploration of the universe does not consists of the mechanics of the cosmos, but rather in finding suitable planet that can host life as we know it.

Слайд 11 8. Космические путешествия станут обычным явлением
Believe it or

8. Космические путешествия станут обычным явлениемBelieve it or not, some astronomers

not, some astronomers claim that we already have the

necessary technology to travel through space. Why aren’t we going on vacation on Jupiter or Saturn then? Well, the main problem with space travel is that scientists have yet to discover a method of protecting the human body from the hazardous gases and radiations found out there. Therefore, once this issue will be solved, space travel will become a commodity.

Слайд 12 9. Появится возможность значительно продлить человеческую жизнь
Considering the

9. Появится возможность значительно продлить человеческую жизньConsidering the numerous ways the

numerous ways the aging process can be slowed down

at this point, the fact that human life can be extended should become a reality in the future. Some gerontologists claim that in the future nano-robots can be injected into the bloodstream with the clear purpose of destroying pathogens. In the eventuality that this thing becomes reality, then the next step implies finding an efficient way to reverse the aging process. However, since this hypothesis is a bit farfetched at the moment, most scientists consider the possibility of transferring the mind into another carrier as a more plausible solution.

  • Имя файла: the-future-of-our-planet.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 117
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