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Презентация на тему Forces Driving Industry Change

Driving ForcesThe analysis of driving forces involves 3 steps:1. Identifying the industry’s driving forces2. Assessing how the driving forces are making the industry more or less attractive3. Determining the strategic changes that are needed to prepare
Forces Driving Industry ChangeDriving forces in an industry are the major underlying Driving ForcesThe analysis of driving forces involves 3 steps:1. Identifying the industry’s Driving ForcesThe most common driving forces are:1. Changes in long term industry Driving Forces5 Product Innovation eg in indutries of cell phones, televisions, digtal Driving forces ctd10. Changes in cost and efficiency eg PC makers 11. Assessing the Impact of Driving ForcesThis involves answering the following 3 questions:1. The last step in driving forces analysis is for managers to draw Assessing the Market Positions of RivalsThis is an attempt to answer the Strategic Group AnalysisA strategic group is a cluster of industry rivals that Strategic Group AnalysisWhen all industry members pursue essentially identical strategies and have Construction of SGMTo construct a strategic group map, firstly there is need Construction of SGM ctd3 Assign firms that fall in about the same A Strategic Group Map of Automobile ManufacturersPrice/Reputation/PerformanceLowHighModel VarietyFew ModelsMany Models Lessons From The SGM1. SGM reveal companies which are close competitors and What Strategic moves are Rivals likely to make next?This involves carrying out Key Success FactorsKey success factors are the product attributes, competencies, competitive capabilities Common Types of Industry KSFs ctd2. Manufacturing related KSFs e.g ability to KSFs4. Marketing related KSFs eg a well known and well respected brand KSFsCorrect diagnosis of an industry’s KSF raises a company’s chances of crafting Does the outlook for the industry offer the company a good opportunity Out look of the Industry ctdWhether the industry as a whole confronts
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Слайд 2 Driving Forces
The analysis of driving forces involves 3

Driving ForcesThe analysis of driving forces involves 3 steps:1. Identifying the

1. Identifying the industry’s driving forces
2. Assessing how the

driving forces are making the industry more or less attractive
3. Determining the strategic changes that are needed to prepare for the impacts of the driving forces.

Слайд 3 Driving Forces
The most common driving forces are:
1. Changes

Driving ForcesThe most common driving forces are:1. Changes in long term

in long term industry growth rate
2. Increasing globalisation
3 Emerging

new internet capabilities and applications
4. Changes in who buys the product and how they use it(changes in buyer demographics)

Слайд 4 Driving Forces
5 Product Innovation eg in indutries of

Driving Forces5 Product Innovation eg in indutries of cell phones, televisions,

cell phones, televisions, digtal cameras, video games etc
6. Technological

changes and manufacturing process innovation
7. Marketing innovation
8. Entry or exit of major firms
9. Diffusion of technical knowhow across more companies and countries

Слайд 5 Driving forces ctd
10. Changes in cost and efficiency

Driving forces ctd10. Changes in cost and efficiency eg PC makers

eg PC makers
11. Reductions in uncertainty and business

12. Regulatory influences and govt policy changes
13. Changing societal concerns, attitudes and lifestyles

Слайд 6 Assessing the Impact of Driving Forces
This involves answering

Assessing the Impact of Driving ForcesThis involves answering the following 3

the following 3 questions:
1. Are the driving forces collectively

acting to cause an increase or decrease in the demand for industry products?
2. Are the driving forces acting to make competition more or less intense?
3. Will the combined effect of the driving forces lead to higher or lower industry profitability?

Слайд 7
The last step in driving forces analysis is

The last step in driving forces analysis is for managers to

for managers to draw some conclusions about what strategy

adjustments will be needed to deal with the impacts of the driving forces

Слайд 8 Assessing the Market Positions of Rivals
This is an

Assessing the Market Positions of RivalsThis is an attempt to answer

attempt to answer the question “what market positions do

rivals occupy-who is strongly positioned and who is not?”
This is done through a technique called Strategic Group Mapping which attempts to display the different market and competitive positions that rival firms occupy in the industry.
This tool is very useful when an industry has so many competitors that it is not practical to examine each one in depth

Слайд 9 Strategic Group Analysis
A strategic group is a cluster

Strategic Group AnalysisA strategic group is a cluster of industry rivals

of industry rivals that have similar competitive approaches and

market positions.
Companies in the same strategic group can resemble one another in any of several ways:
1. They may have comparable product line breath
2. They may also sell in the same price or quality range
3. They may emphasise the same distribution channels
4. They depend on identical technological approaches or
They offer buyers similar services and technical assistance.

Слайд 10 Strategic Group Analysis
When all industry members pursue essentially

Strategic Group AnalysisWhen all industry members pursue essentially identical strategies and

identical strategies and have comparable mkt positions, that industry

will contain one strategic group.(the opp is true)

Слайд 11 Construction of SGM
To construct a strategic group map,

Construction of SGMTo construct a strategic group map, firstly there is

firstly there is need to identify the competitive characteristics

that differentiate firms in the industry;eg
Price /Quality range(high, medium,low)
Geographic coverage(local, regional, national)
Degree of vertical integration(none, partial,full)
Product line breath(wide,narrow)
2. Plot the firms on a two variable map using pairs of the differentiating characteristics

Слайд 12 Construction of SGM ctd
3 Assign firms that fall

Construction of SGM ctd3 Assign firms that fall in about the

in about the same strategy space to the same

strategic group
4. Draw circles around each strategic group, making the circles proportional to the size of the group’s share of total industry sales revenue.

Слайд 13 A Strategic Group Map of Automobile Manufacturers
Model Variety

A Strategic Group Map of Automobile ManufacturersPrice/Reputation/PerformanceLowHighModel VarietyFew ModelsMany Models

Many Models

Слайд 14 Lessons From The SGM
1. SGM reveal companies which

Lessons From The SGM1. SGM reveal companies which are close competitors

are close competitors and those which are distant competitors.

They also reveal that it is not all positions on the map that are equally attractive for 2reasons:
a) Prevailing competitive pressures and industry driving forces favor some strategic groups and hurt others
b) The profit potential of different strategic groups varies due to the strengths and weaknesses in each group’s market position.

Слайд 15 What Strategic moves are Rivals likely to make

What Strategic moves are Rivals likely to make next?This involves carrying

This involves carrying out a competitive intelligence about rivals’

strategies, their latest actions and announcements, their resources strengths and weaknesses, the efforts being made to improve their situation.
The above information assists in anticipating the next moves that rivals are likely to make, and to prepare defensive countermoves.
Managers who fail to study competitors closely risk being overtaken by rivals’ fresh strategic moves.

Слайд 16 Key Success Factors
Key success factors are the product

Key Success FactorsKey success factors are the product attributes, competencies, competitive

attributes, competencies, competitive capabilities and market achievements with the

greatest impact on future competitive success in the marketplace.
Common types of Industry Key Success Factors include:
1. Technology-related KSFs eg expertise in a particular technology or proven ability to improve production processes

Слайд 17 Common Types of Industry KSFs ctd
2. Manufacturing related

Common Types of Industry KSFs ctd2. Manufacturing related KSFs e.g ability

KSFs e.g ability to achieve economies of scale; Quality

control know-how; high utilisation of fixed assets; high labor productivity; low cost design etc
3. Distribution related KSFs eg a strong network of wholesale distributors/dealers; strong direct sales capabilities; ability to secure favorable display space on retailer shelves.

Слайд 18 KSFs
4. Marketing related KSFs eg a well known

KSFs4. Marketing related KSFs eg a well known and well respected

and well respected brand name; courteous, personalised customer service;

Accurate filling of buyer orders; customer guarantees and warrantees; clever advertising
5. Skills and capability related KSFs eg talented workforce; design expertise; national or global distribution capabilities, short delivery time capability etc
6. Other types of KSFs eg overall low costs; convenient locations; a strong balance sheet and access to financial capital

Слайд 19 KSFs
Correct diagnosis of an industry’s KSF raises a

KSFsCorrect diagnosis of an industry’s KSF raises a company’s chances of

company’s chances of crafting a sound strategy .
Thus managers

should resist the temptation of labeling a factor that has only minor importance as a KSF.
Being distinctively better than rivals on one or two KSFs tends to translate into competitive advantage.

Слайд 20 Does the outlook for the industry offer the

Does the outlook for the industry offer the company a good

company a good opportunity to earn attractive profits?
The conclusion

to the above question is determined by the following factors:
The industry’s growth potential
Whether powerful competitive forces are squeezing industry profitability to subpar levels and whether competition appears destined to grow stronger or weaker.
Whether industry profitability will be favorably or unfavorably affected by the prevailing driving forces.
The degrees of risk and uncertainty in the industry’s future

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