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Презентация на тему Belarusian national cuisine

Belarusian national cuisine has along history. Many dishes came to our time the remote past. The most popular product and ingredient of the Belarusian cuisine is potato, which is called «The second bread» in Belarus. Potato
Belarusian national cuisine Belarusian national cuisine has along history. Many dishes came to our time The second place in Belarusian national cuisine belongs to meat and meat
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Belarusian national cuisine has along history. Many dishes

Belarusian national cuisine has along history. Many dishes came to our

came to our time the remote past. The most

popular product and ingredient of the Belarusian cuisine is potato, which is called «The second bread» in Belarus. Potato is at the Belarusian table every season and in any state-fried, baked, stuffed. Potato is an ingredient for soups, and salads, and patties.

  • Имя файла: belarusian-national-cuisine.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 251
  • Количество скачиваний: 0