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Презентация на тему Financial and information technology. Training. Travel and expense reimbursement. Workshop (WebGui)

Table of ContentsTravel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request 31 General Trip Data 32Additional Destinations 34Advance 35Cost Distribution 36Comments (Estimated Trip Expenses) 37Travel Arrangements 39Overview 42Save versus Submit 43Follow-up Documentation 44
Travel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)Overview						4Objectives						5Agenda						6Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Table of ContentsTravel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)Lesson 4: Create a Travel Table of ContentsTravel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)Lesson 5: Create an Expense OverviewOverview: Understand the different travel roles Learn how to create travel documents Objectives Agenda Agenda Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (Travel Roles)Travel Reimbursement RequestorCan When to Use Travel ManagerTravel ReimbursementTo reimburse an individual’s out of pocket Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation	WebGUI versus WinGUI Interface	Everyone with After logging into SAP, you will see the Welcome screen. Important information Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (WebGUI Interface)	WebGUIIf you do If you do not see the Welcome to the Travel Manager screen, Establish Settings:	Use this to display Subsequent Activities, where you can create/change request Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Infocenter)Click the infocenter icon The Traveler Tab Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	To obtain the correct Per Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	Search for Country	The list displayed Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	Search for Country	The search is Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	You can sort any column Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Create Personal List)	Create a Personal List	You can Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Create Personal List)	Create a Personal List	Once the Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem	After selecting the Trip Country/Region:		Click Enter on the Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via Travel Manager)Change Personnel Number	This document will Change Personnel NumberIf you know the Personnel Number you can enterif not Change Personnel NumberSearch by employee name, enter the Last name and the Create a Travel Request	Once you have changed the personnel number:Your name will Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li)Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)If your Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)Search by employee nameenter the Last name and Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)Double click the appropriate name from the list Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)	Once you have changed the personnel number:Your name Lesson 4: Create a Travel RequestCreate a Travel Request	This document is used Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (General Trip Data)Enter the Start of Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (General Trip Data)Selecting the TimeSelect the Lesson 4: Create a Travel RequestAdditional DestinationsClick the expand Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Advance)AdvanceClick the expand Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Cost Distribution)The distribution can be split, Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Comments)CommentsClick the expand Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Comments)CommentsLoading an Excel File or Copy Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Travel Arrangements)Request Transportation/AccommodationThis section is not Request Transportation/AccommodationFill in information for each section you need an administrator to Request Transportation/AccommodationThe checks indicate that information is stored for that item. The Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Overview)Overview of the Travel RequestClick the Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Save versus Submit)	Save the Travel Request Follow-up DocumentationOnce the travel request has been submitted to workflow, a message Lesson 5: Create an Expense ReportTo create a Travel Expense Report when Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Trip Schema)Choose Trip Schema	A trip schema Domestic TripAllows for a date rangeCannot have more than one travel document International TripAllows for a date rangeCannot have more than one travel document Non-Travel Related ExpenseOnly allows for one date (not a date range)Cannot have Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (General Trip Data)When creating an Expense Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Cost Distribution)Alternative Cost Assignment	When creating an Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Mileage)MileageEither enter the total mileage in Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Per Diem Meals)Meals	This is used for Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Expense Receipts)Expense ReceiptSelect the Exp. Receipt Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)Airfare ReceiptIf the traveler should be Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)Search for Airline ProviderClick the search Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)	For each receipt you have the Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging)Lodging ReceiptIf the traveler should be Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging) Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging Excess of Max)Lodging in Excess Lodging in Excess of Max – For Domestic Travel	If you receive the Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard) Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard) Split Receipt	Use this to post the expenses to the proper GL account. You can leave the remaining amount as a lump sum – select A summary of the itemized expenses will displayIf incorrect click Import Expenses from American Express Bill	If the traveler used the JHU Corporate Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Foreign Currency Receipt)Enter a Receipt in When you transfer the receipt it will default with the outdated exchange Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned Receipts)	Attaching Scanned Expense Receipts	This The document must be Saved to obtain a trip number and the Double click Travel Expense document-PDF formatLocate your scanned PDF file and double Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned Receipts)To verify the documentation Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Save versus Submit)	Save the Expense Report Lesson 6: Check Document Status Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Definitions)Document Status – DefinitionsRequest or Trip Completd/To Request or Trip on Hold/To be SettdSometimes the faxed receipts are unreadable Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Review Workflow)Display the Workflow Status	From the List This example shows an expense report that was modified multiple times. You If there are five employees with the Travel Approver role for your Document Waiting for ApprovalsThe Status displays ‘Ready’The Agent displays ‘Information’Click the Information To Change or Display an Expense ReportClick to highlight (select) the expense Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Delete Report)To Delete a Travel Request/Expense Report	This
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Table of Contents
Travel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)


Table of ContentsTravel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)Lesson 4: Create a

4: Create a Travel Request 31

General Trip Data 32
Additional Destinations 34
Advance 35
Cost Distribution 36

(Estimated Trip Expenses) 37
Travel Arrangements 39
Overview 42
Save versus Submit 43
Follow-up Documentation 44

Слайд 3

Table of Contents
Travel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)


Table of ContentsTravel and Expense Reimbursement Workshop (WebGui)Lesson 5: Create an

5: Create an Expense Report 45
Trip Schema (Domestic, International, or

Non-Travel Related) 46
General Trip Data 50
Cost Distribution 51
Mileage 52
Per Diem Meals 53
Expense Receipts 54
Airfare 55
Lodging 58
Lodging – Excess of Max 60
Receipt Wizard (breakout expenses on Lodging) 62
Import Corp. American Express Bill 67
Foreign Currency Receipt 68
Attaching Scanned Receipts 70
Save versus Submit Expense Report 74

Lesson 6: Check Document Status 75
Document Status – Definitions 76
Determine if Faxed Receipts have been Attached 77
Check Workflow for Required Approvals 78
View/Change Travel Request/Expense Report 82
Delete Travel Request/Expense Report 83

Слайд 4


Understand the different travel roles

Learn how

OverviewOverview: Understand the different travel roles Learn how to create travel

to create travel documents

Learn how to check the

status of your travel documents

Navigate the following websites for information:

Controller’s Office
Accounts Payable

Identify all useful travel job aids

Слайд 5



Слайд 6



Слайд 7



Слайд 8

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (Travel Roles)Travel Reimbursement

(Travel Roles)
Travel Reimbursement Requestor
Can submit reimbursement for yourself

Travel Request

Can submit reimbursement for other staff
If you do not have the Travel Reimbursement Requestor role – you will always be prompted to enter a personnel number
If you have both roles – this will default to you. Make sure you change the personnel number when entering a reimbursement for another staff member
If you have ISR access – you will be limited to the search only names within your organization access – use transaction ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li

Travel Finance Approver
This person approves the cost object charged and the amount

Travel Administrative Approver
This person approves the trip

The Finance and the Administrative approver can be the same person or different people.

Слайд 9

When to Use Travel Manager

Travel Reimbursement
To reimburse an

When to Use Travel ManagerTravel ReimbursementTo reimburse an individual’s out of

individual’s out of pocket expenses
Travel related
Non-travel related purchases
All non-tax

reportable payments to individuals

Exceptions for Employees
Tuition reimbursement
Submit to Center for Training and Education, Educational Assistance Program http://training.jhu.edu/html/EducationalAssistance/TuitionRemission.asp
Relocation/Moving Expenses
See Tax Office Website
Accounts Payable Information
Moving Expenses Relocation

When Not to Use Travel Manager

All payments (fees & expenses) should be paid against a purchase order
Guest Lecturers/Speakers and Study Participants
Fees - paid via an Online Payment Request
Travel expenses - paid via a Travel Reimbursement
See Accounts Payable Shared Services Website to obtain personnel number:
JH Travel Mini Master Creation Request

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation

Слайд 10

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation	WebGUI versus WinGUI Interface	Everyone

versus WinGUI Interface

Everyone with the Travel security role can

access the TRIP – Travel Manager transaction via the WebGUI interface. This method does not require the SAP client software to be loaded on the employee’s workstation.

Some employees will have access to the R/3 Enterprise tab, that allows them to access the TRIP – Travel Manager transaction via the R/3 WinGUI interface.

The functionality of the Travel Manager transaction is the same in both the Web and Win GUI interfaces. Some of the icons to access a function may vary. This guide documents the WebGUI interface.

If you do have the R/3 Enterprise tab, use the R/3 WinGUI interface. The response time is slightly better.

Слайд 11

After logging into SAP, you will see the

After logging into SAP, you will see the Welcome screen. Important

Welcome screen. Important information will be posted here, please

review. Most current information is posted at the top.

You may have one or many tabs depending upon the security roles you have. The tabs access the SAP transactions via the WebGUI interface.

If you have the R/3 Enterprise tab you can access Travel via the WinGUI.

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (Welcome Screen)

Слайд 12

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (WebGUI Interface)	WebGUIIf you

(WebGUI Interface)

If you do not have the R/3 Enterprise

tab, use:

Travel Request Assistant tab
Travel Reimbursement Requestor tab

Слайд 13

If you do not see the Welcome to

If you do not see the Welcome to the Travel Manager

the Travel Manager screen, click on TRIP – Travel


Important – in the WebGUI, never use the back button of your web browser, only use the navigation buttons within the SAP Travel Manager application window.



Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (WebGUI Interface)

Слайд 14

Establish Settings:
Use this to display Subsequent Activities, where

Establish Settings:	Use this to display Subsequent Activities, where you can create/change

you can create/change request or expense report for open

trips, directly from the Travel Manager Screen
Click the Settings icon
Click on Display Graphics
Click on Display All Subsequent Activities
Click the Continue icon

Lesson 1: Travel Roles and Basic SAP Navigation (Establish Settings)

Слайд 15

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Infocenter)
Click the infocenter

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Infocenter)Click the infocenter icon The Traveler


The Traveler Tab will default. This will display:

default cost center
the originator email address for notifications

The Exch Rates tab should not be used. This data is not current.

Click on PDs/FRs tab, to calculate per diem. Per diem is:
Recommended for all international trip advances
Required for any trips, where the funding source requires per diem

Слайд 16

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	To obtain the correct

obtain the correct Per Diem, enter the Trip Country

and Region. Click inside the Trip Country field and click the browse icon to search.

The next pages will show how to:
search for the country/region
create a personal list of most used values

Слайд 17

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	Search for Country	The list

for Country

The list displayed includes only the first 500


Click icon to open the search screen.

Слайд 18

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	Search for Country	The search

for Country

The search is case sensitive and the value

needs to be exactly as in the database. Enter a portion of the country and use a wildcard ‘*’ to expand the search.

You can remove 500 so the results will not be limited to only 500 entries.

Click icon.

Слайд 19

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Search for Country)	You can sort any

can sort any column by clicking on the column


The small arrows indicates the column that is sorted.

Слайд 20

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Create Personal List)

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Create Personal List)	Create a Personal List	You

a Personal List

You can create a personal list of

locations where you frequently travel.

A personal list can be created for any search list field.

Click to highlight the country/region.
Click the Insert in Personal List icon.
Repeat the search and insert in personal list for all countries needed. This list can be modified at any time.

Слайд 21

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Create Personal List)

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem (Create Personal List)	Create a Personal List	Once

a Personal List

Once the personal list is created, it

will default every time the field is browsed.

- Display All Values icon, to return to all values and access the search screen.
- Delete From Personal List icon, used to delete item from personal list after highlighting the country.
- Personal Value List icon, toggle back to personal list, from all values list.

Слайд 22

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem
After selecting the Trip

Lesson 2: Calculate Per Diem	After selecting the Trip Country/Region:		Click Enter on


Click Enter on the keyboard to generate Per Diem.

This is based on a monthly load of information from the State Department

The Travel and Business Expense Policies and Procedures states that advances for foreign travel will be given to the University traveler (faculty, staff and students active on payroll) at 80% of the per diem.

Refer to the Accounts Payable Shared Services Website, for the JHU Travel and Business Expense Policies and Procedures guide:


Слайд 23

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via Travel Manager)

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via Travel Manager)Change Personnel Number	This document

Personnel Number

This document will default with your name at

the top and state ‘My Open Trips.

If entering a request for another traveler, click the change personnel number icon

Слайд 24

Change Personnel Number

If you know the Personnel Number

Change Personnel NumberIf you know the Personnel Number you can enterif

you can enter
if not click the browse

icon to search by employee name
Click the drop down arrow and select

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via Travel Manager)

Слайд 25

Change Personnel Number

Search by employee name, enter the

Change Personnel NumberSearch by employee name, enter the Last name and

Last name and the * (wildcard), enter the First

name and the * (wildcard)
Click the enter icon
Double click the appropriate name from the list to select it.
If two people have the same name, review the Street and House Number (work address), Organizational Unit Text (department name) and Position Text to identify the right person.
Click enter icon to change to the selected personnel number.

Refer to pages 20-21 to create a personal list of employee numbers.

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via Travel Manager)

Слайд 26

Create a Travel Request

Once you have changed the

Create a Travel Request	Once you have changed the personnel number:Your name

personnel number:

Your name will no longer appear at the


It will state ‘Open Trips From employee name (Personnel Number ######)
Make sure you are in the correct employee before beginning a travel document.

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via Travel Manager)

Слайд 27

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li)

Change Personnel

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li)Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)If

(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)

If your security prevents you from accessing

the employee by the
menu option, use this transaction.
Click the icon to open the command window
Enter in the command window
Press the Enter key

Слайд 28

Change Personnel Number
(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)

Search by employee name

Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)Search by employee nameenter the Last name

the Last name and the * (wildcard)
enter the First

name and the * (wildcard)
Click the execute icon

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li)

Слайд 29

Change Personnel Number
(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)

Double click the appropriate

Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)Double click the appropriate name from the

name from the list to select it.
If two

people have the same name, review the Street (work address) to identify the right person.

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li)

Слайд 30

Change Personnel Number
(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)

Once you have changed

Change Personnel Number(via transaction ZMTRR_TRAVEL_WORK_LI)	Once you have changed the personnel number:Your

the personnel number:

Your name will no longer appear at

the top. It will change to the name of the employee selected.

It will still state ‘My Open Trips’ (indicating the open trips of the employee name listed on the title bar).
Make sure you are in the correct employee before beginning a travel document.

Lesson 3: Change Personnel Number (via ZMTRR_Travel_Work_Li)

Слайд 31

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request
Create a Travel

Lesson 4: Create a Travel RequestCreate a Travel Request	This document is


This document is used to:

Request a travel advance

Click on

Create a Travel Request

Слайд 32

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (General Trip

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (General Trip Data)Enter the Start

Enter the Start of Trip
The start Time is important

to enter when per diem is being used, time is displayed in military format
Enter the End of Trip, date the traveler returns, and Time if per diem is being used
Enter the 1st Destination – this is a free text field
Select the Country from the list, click the list icon
Select the Activity – the reason for the trip from the list, click the list icon
Enter a detailed Reason for the trip – this is a free text field

Слайд 33

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (General Trip

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (General Trip Data)Selecting the TimeSelect

Selecting the Time
Select the hours as military, where 00

= midnight, 12 = noon, 13 = 1:00 pm…
Or click the clock icon to enter the hours as am or pm – this will automatically convert to military time once returned to the travel request

Слайд 34

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request
Additional Destinations

Click the

Lesson 4: Create a Travel RequestAdditional DestinationsClick the expand  icon,

expand icon, to complete the additional

information for each section.
First the Addnl Destinations section. This needs to be only completed if an overnight stay is involved. If it is just a flight layover – do not include here.
Click the compress icon, to collapse the section

Слайд 35

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Advance)


Click the

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Advance)AdvanceClick the expand  icon,

expand icon, to complete the Advance

Enter the amount to be advanced to the traveler for the trip.
Refer to the Travel and Business Expense Policies and Procedures guide – Domestic travel is limited to $50 per day and foreign travel is 80% of the meals & incidental expenses (M&IE) per diem rate.
Never check the Cash box. (The traveler will not receive the advance.) Travel advances will either be direct deposited (if the traveler has payroll direct deposit) or the traveler will receive a check.
Never change the Currency or Exch. Rate fields. Advances are only issued in US dollars.

Слайд 36

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Cost Distribution)


Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Cost Distribution)The distribution can be

distribution can be split, by percentage, over multiple cost

Click the check icon. This will check for errors and populate the first line with your cost object.
Click the enter icon to process.

Alternative Cost Assignment

Click the expand icon, to complete the Alternative Cost Assignment
Click to enter the cost distribution for the trip

Very important – always start on the second line – the first line defaults to the department’s Payroll Default account (even though not displayed). If you enter your distribution on line one, the Payroll Default may override your entry.

Слайд 37

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Comments)

Click the

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Comments)CommentsClick the expand  icon,

expand icon, to complete the Comments

is where all the possible expenses and the estimated amount for each expense is listed. Then enter the total estimated expenses in Estimated Costs.
Either type in the list of expenses and estimates or load an existing Excel file, click the load file icon. The file must be saved as a text (.txt) file format.

Слайд 38

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Comments)
Loading an

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Comments)CommentsLoading an Excel File or

Excel File or Copy Paste

Click the load file

Enter the path and filename (text file format)
Click OK
Highlight the cells in Excel and copy (CTRL C)
Click in the Comments box on the travel request and paste (CTRL V)

Слайд 39

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Travel Arrangements)

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Travel Arrangements)Request Transportation/AccommodationThis section is


This section is not required, but may be useful

if you have an administrator that makes all of the travel arrangements.
Enter all information for the flight, hotel, car rental… This information will be displayed on the overview, which can be printed and handed to the administrator to make all the arrangements.

Слайд 40

Request Transportation/Accommodation

Fill in information for each section you

Request Transportation/AccommodationFill in information for each section you need an administrator

need an administrator to make the arrangements for. Include

all pertinent information: location, date, and time information. Then click the icon.

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Travel Arrangements)

Слайд 41

Request Transportation/Accommodation

The checks indicate that information is stored

Request Transportation/AccommodationThe checks indicate that information is stored for that item.

for that item. The information will be displayed on

the overview document.

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Travel Arrangements)

Слайд 42

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Overview)

Overview of

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Overview)Overview of the Travel RequestClick

the Travel Request

Click the overview

This is what the financial/administrative approver will see to determine the approval of the trip/advance request.

You can give a copy of this to the administrator who makes the travel arrangements. This will outline the detail of the accommodations required.

When finished click the icon

Слайд 43

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Save versus

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request (Save versus Submit)	Save the Travel

Save the Travel Request

Click the

icon one time. This will save the document and assign a trip number.

Submit Document for Approval

Click the icon a second time.
This will produce a message asking if you are ready to submit your document for approval. Click icon.
If you do not receive this message, you have only saved the document and have not submitted it to workflow for approval.

Слайд 44

Follow-up Documentation

Once the travel request has been submitted

Follow-up DocumentationOnce the travel request has been submitted to workflow, a

to workflow, a message will appear indicating an Travel

Advance Recovery Form is required before an advance can be issued. This form is available on the Accounts Payable Shared Services website at: http://ssc.jhu.edu/accountspayable/forms.html

Click icon to complete the travel request.
Click icon to return to the travel manager screen.

Lesson 4: Create a Travel Request

Слайд 45

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report
To create a

Lesson 5: Create an Expense ReportTo create a Travel Expense Report

Travel Expense Report when a Travel Request exists –

use the ‘Create Travel Expense Report’ under My Open Trips.
This will pre-populate the Expense Report with information entered in the Request.
To create a Travel Expense or Business Expense Reimbursement Report that does not have an existing Travel Request – use the ‘Create Travel Expense Report… With Ref.’ at top left corner.

Слайд 46

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Trip Schema)

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Trip Schema)Choose Trip Schema	A trip

Trip Schema

A trip schema has to be selected for

each expense report created.

Use Domestic Trip for travel within the United States
Use International Trip for travel outside of the United States
Use Non-Travel Related Exp to reimburse an employee for out of pocket business expenses

Samples of each option are shown over the next 3 pages.

Слайд 47

Domestic Trip
Allows for a date range
Cannot have more

Domestic TripAllows for a date rangeCannot have more than one travel

than one travel document with the same date
Defaults with

Trip Country as US
This is a reimbursement to an individual and not tax reportable

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Trip Schema)

Слайд 48

International Trip
Allows for a date range
Cannot have more

International TripAllows for a date rangeCannot have more than one travel

than one travel document with the same date
Have to

specify the Trip Country/Region
This is a reimbursement to an individual and not tax reportable

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Trip Schema)

Слайд 49

Non-Travel Related Expense
Only allows for one date (not

Non-Travel Related ExpenseOnly allows for one date (not a date range)Cannot

a date range)
Cannot have more than one travel document

with the same date
If doing local mileage for a month – can use Domestic Trip and enter a date range
This is a reimbursement to an individual and not tax reportable

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Trip Schema)

Слайд 50

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (General Trip

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (General Trip Data)When creating an

When creating an Expense Report that has an existing

Travel Request document – information in the General Trip Data is pre-populated. Otherwise, the General Trip Data would need to be entered.

You can change any information defaulted from the travel request, except for the advance amount.

You can change the Alternative Cost Assignment for Entire Trip, if needed.
The cost object(s) listed here will be charged with all the expenses, unless otherwise disbursed on the expense item.

Слайд 51

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Cost Distribution)

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Cost Distribution)Alternative Cost Assignment	When creating

Cost Assignment
When creating an Expense Report that does not

have an existing Travel Request document:

Click the expand icon, to complete the Alternative Cost Assignment
Click to enter the cost distribution for the trip

Very important – always start on the second line – the first line defaults to the department’s Payroll Default account. If you enter your distribution on line one, the Payroll Default may override your entry.
The cost object(s) listed here will be charged with all the expenses, unless otherwise disbursed on the expense item(s).

The distribution can be split, by percentage, over multiple cost objects.
Click the check icon. This will check for errors and populate the first line with your cost object.
Click the enter icon to process.

Слайд 52

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Mileage)

Either enter

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Mileage)MileageEither enter the total mileage

the total mileage in Miles/Km


Expand the Miles/Km Distribution with

the expand icon and enter detail of mileage. It will populate the Miles/Km automatically

You have the option of changing the cost distribution per line item, highlight the line and click the distribution icon.

When finished with the section you can collapse it with the icon

Слайд 53

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Per Diem

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Per Diem Meals)Meals	This is used


This is used for Per Diem only. If the

traveler is being reimbursed using actual receipts, do not use this section.

Click the Per Diem Reimbursement of Meals

Expand the Deductions section with the expand icon.
If some of the meals should not be reimbursed to the traveler, check them here. For example, the conference supplied lunch.

Слайд 54

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Expense Receipts)

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Expense Receipts)Expense ReceiptSelect the Exp.


Select the Exp. Receipt from the dropdown list –

click icon
You need to select the correct Expense Receipt category – this determines the GL account to be charged.
When you see Pd or PD by JH – this is an expense that was pre-paid and will not be included in the reimbursement to the traveler. It still needs to be included so the expense report can be a complete picture of the total cost of the trip.
If you used Per Diem for Meals you cannot use Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner here (actual receipts). It has to be one or the other, but not both.

Слайд 55

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)
Airfare Receipt

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)Airfare ReceiptIf the traveler should

the traveler should be reimbursed the airfare, make sure

you do not select the Exp Receipt that includes Pd.
Check that a Paper Receipt Exists
Enter the expense Amount
Receipt dates must match the date range of the trip, except for
Conference Fees
Leave the date as the first day of the trip. If purchased ahead of time, enter the date purchased in Comments
Enter the airline ticket number in the Document No. field
You will need to search for the Airline Provider code – discussed next page

Слайд 56

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)
Search for

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)Search for Airline ProviderClick the

Airline Provider

Click the search icon in

the Provider field
Enter part of the airline name enclosed in asterisks (example: *southwest*)
If you do not receive the proper value or any value, retry your search with a broader value. To reopen the search box, click the arrow on
Double click the airline from the results to select.
This is a good area to create a Personal List of frequently used airlines (refer to page 20).

If domestic and international airlines were used – select the domestic carrier for the longest leg of the trip. This data will be used by Purchasing to negotiate future pricing contracts with the companies.

If you cannot find the airline carrier in the list, use ZZZ Other Airline and enter airline name in Comments.

Слайд 57

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)

For each

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Airfare)	For each receipt you have

receipt you have the option of changing the cost


Once all the information is entered click
icon. This will post the receipt and bring up an open receipt with the next receipt number.

Слайд 58

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging)
Lodging Receipt


Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging)Lodging ReceiptIf the traveler should

the traveler should be reimbursed the lodging make sure

you do not select the Exp Receipt that include Pd.
Check that a Paper Receipt Exists.
Enter the expense Amount.
The Number field will contain the number of nights stayed.
When a trip involves multiple destinations, verify the date range and number of nights are correct for the receipt being entered. Each hotel receipt needs to be a separate expense item.
Enter the Hotel location in the Location field – this is a free text field.
Make sure the Country and Region are correct. If a Region is not entered the lowest per diem for the country will be applied.
You will need to search for the Hotel Provider code – discussed next page

Слайд 59

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging)

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging)

Слайд 60

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging Excess

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging Excess of Max)Lodging in

of Max)
Lodging in Excess of Max – For International


If you receive the message the expense may need to be itemized:

If the funding source requires per diem and any amount in excess of the per diem may not be charged to the funding agency:

enter the maximum allowed on the Lodging category
enter the remaining amount on – Lodging – Int’l Excess of Max, if the department allows this to be reimbursed
make sure the excess amount is not charged to a sponsored cost object

If the funding source does not require per diem:

Enter the entire amount on – Lodging – Int’l Excess of Max

Make sure PD is selected if the lodging was prepaid.

Слайд 61

Lodging in Excess of Max – For Domestic

Lodging in Excess of Max – For Domestic Travel	If you receive


If you receive the message

the expense may need to be itemized:

If the funding source requires per diem and any amount in excess of the per diem may not be charged to the funding agency:

enter the taxes on – Lodging – Taxes for US Lodging (the per diem does not take into account taxes)
enter the maximum allowed on Lodging category
enter the remaining amount on – Lodging – US in Excess of Max, if the department allows this to be reimbursed
make sure the excess amount is not charge to a sponsored cost object

If the funding source does not require per diem:

Enter the entire amount on – Lodging – US in Excess of Max

Make sure PD is selected if the lodging was prepaid.

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Lodging Excess of Max)

Слайд 62

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Слайд 63

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Слайд 64

Split Receipt

Use this to post the expenses to

Split Receipt	Use this to post the expenses to the proper GL

the proper GL account. The hotel bill may have

included fax charges that need to be broken out.

Enter the expense Amount
Select the Expense Type from the list
Enter the Bus. Purpose – this is a free text field
Click icon
Click icon
Click icon

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Слайд 65

You can leave the remaining amount as a

You can leave the remaining amount as a lump sum –

lump sum – select Do Not Divide Receipt



A message will display indicating the amount that will remain on the original Lodging receipt

Click icon

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Слайд 66

A summary of the itemized expenses will display


A summary of the itemized expenses will displayIf incorrect click

incorrect click icon

to redo

If correct click icon to post the split receipts

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Receipt Wizard)

Слайд 67

Import Expenses from American Express Bill

If the traveler

Import Expenses from American Express Bill	If the traveler used the JHU

used the JHU Corporate American Express card for expenses,

the expenses can imported:

Click insert credit card document icon.
If no data exists, this icon will not be active.
If data exists you will receive a list:
Highlight each line item corresponding with the expense report. Click ‘copy’ to import into the expense report.
Highlight and delete all old or personal expenses from the buffer.

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Import AMEX)

Слайд 68

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Foreign Currency

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Foreign Currency Receipt)Enter a Receipt

Enter a Receipt in Foreign Currency

Select the appropriate Exp

Receipt category
Enter the foreign currency amount
Select the currency type from the drop down list
In this example, Number is the number of Guests for the entertainment activity
Enter the Reason for the event – this is a free text field
Enter the Location for the event – this is a free text field
Click icon

Слайд 69

When you transfer the receipt it will default

When you transfer the receipt it will default with the outdated

with the outdated exchange rate. This must be corrected.

Click the receipt line item to edit
Enter the correct Exchange Rate
Click icon
A warning message will appear the rate is incorrect
just click again
The payment amount will be shown in USD.

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Foreign Currency Receipt)

Слайд 70

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned Receipts)	Attaching Scanned Expense

Attaching Scanned Expense Receipts

This is optional, but recommended. Departments

can scan and attach their own expense receipts. This can speed up the audit process in Accounts Payable and allow the approvers to see the receipts online.

If the department does not have the scanning equipment the receipts can still be faxed to Accounts Payable Shared Services. Use the Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Cover Sheet, write the trip number on each page, write the receipt numbers on documentation according to the order entered in the expense report.

The required scanned document format is PDF with an image resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch).
Each scanned page can include multiple receipts.
One PDF file must Include all receipts for the expense report.

Слайд 71

The document must be Saved to obtain a

The document must be Saved to obtain a trip number and

trip number and the Services for Object Icon.
Click the

right side of the icon

Click Create
Click Store business document

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned Receipts)

Слайд 72

Double click Travel Expense document-PDF format
Locate your scanned

Double click Travel Expense document-PDF formatLocate your scanned PDF file and

PDF file and double click
Click the continue


Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned Receipts)

Слайд 73

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Attaching Scanned Receipts)To verify the


To verify the documentation is attached:

Click Services for Object

Click Attachment list (if this option is not active, the document is not attached)
Double click the PDF file
This will open a PDF viewer and display the scanned documentation.

Слайд 74

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Save versus

Lesson 5: Create an Expense Report (Save versus Submit)	Save the Expense

Save the Expense Report

Click the

icon one time. This will save the document and assign a trip number.

Submit Document for Approval

Click the icon a second time.
This will produce a message asking if you are ready to submit your document for approval. Click icon.
If you do not receive this message, you have only saved the document and have not submitted it to workflow.

Слайд 75

Lesson 6: Check Document Status

Lesson 6: Check Document Status

Слайд 76

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Definitions)
Document Status –

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Definitions)Document Status – DefinitionsRequest or Trip


Request or Trip Completd/To Be Settd
Data has been entered

and saved.
Document may or may not have been submitted to workflow
May have one or more approvals – but not all. Can look at workflow to see who has approved and the pending approvers.
Request or Trip on Hold/To be Settd
All departmental approvals have been completed. Accounts Payable has the document for audit - will be attaching all receipts to the document.
Request or Trip Approved/Transferred to FI
The audit is complete. Will see a paid date. This is the date the payment is processed not the date the payment will be deposited. Direct deposit goes through the JP Morgan bank, the Automated Clearing House, the employee bank, then posted to the employee account.

Слайд 77

Request or Trip on Hold/To be Settd

Sometimes the

Request or Trip on Hold/To be SettdSometimes the faxed receipts are

faxed receipts are unreadable when received in Accounts Payable.

Accounts Payable has no way to contact the department to request another copy.
You can check the expense report to see if documentation has been attached by Accounts Payable.
From the List of All trips page – double click the expense report to display
Click the Services for Object icon, then Attachment list (to view attachment)
If the Attachment list option is not active, the documentation is not attached.
If there is no documentation, and it has been on hold for more than ten business days contact Accounts Payable. You may need to refax receipts.
When faxing receipts:
Use the Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Cover Sheet on the Accounts Payable Shared Services web site.
Write the trip number on each page and receipt number (as entered in the expense report) on each receipt.

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Verify Receipts Attached)

Слайд 78

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Review Workflow)
Display the

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Review Workflow)Display the Workflow Status	From the

Workflow Status

From the List of All trips page –

double click the expense report to display

Click the Services for Object icon
Select Workflow
Select Workflow overview

Слайд 79

This example shows an expense report that was

This example shows an expense report that was modified multiple times.

modified multiple times. You need to look at the

workflow for the last Creation date/time stamp.
Click the scroll down arrow icon, to locate the last entry
Double click to highlight the last workflow entry
The data in the bottom window will then reflect that ‘Time stamp’

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Review Workflow)

Слайд 80

If there are five employees with the Travel

If there are five employees with the Travel Approver role for

Approver role for your cost object – the document

will appear in all five inboxes, and all five employees have to approve it.

Approved Document

The Status displays ‘Approved’.
The Agent displays ‘approver name’.
After an Approved line item – you will see a ‘Logically Deleted’, because once approved it is deleted out of the approvers inbox.
The final line, the Status displays ‘Mail sent’ indicates all approvals are done and an email was sent to the initiator indicating document approved.

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Review Workflow)

Слайд 81

Document Waiting for Approvals

The Status displays ‘Ready’
The Agent

Document Waiting for ApprovalsThe Status displays ‘Ready’The Agent displays ‘Information’Click the

displays ‘Information’
Click the Information link to display the name

of the approver

If there are five employees with the Travel Approver role for your cost object – the document will appear in all five inboxes, and all five employees have to approve it.

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (Review Workflow)

Слайд 82

To Change or Display an Expense Report

Click to

To Change or Display an Expense ReportClick to highlight (select) the

highlight (select) the expense report

to view report
to change the report

You can add receipts to paid expense reports and SAP will only reimburse the new receipts. Do not modify any receipts on the current paid report (or SAP will try to recover the money from the employee) – only add new receipts.

Lesson 6: Check Document Status (View/Change Report)

  • Имя файла: financial-and-information-technology-training-travel-and-expense-reimbursement-workshop-webgui.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
  • Количество скачиваний: 0