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Презентация на тему Mysteries of dreams

Dreams are the «royal» road to the unconscious
Mysteries of dreams Author: Sofia YevlaninkovaSecond course Psychology faculty Dreams are the «royal» road to the unconscious The unacceptable thoughts are disguised as symbolic Freud vs. Jung Dream TheoriesDangerousPersonal unconsciousNegative id drives of sex/aggressionWish fulfillmentFree associationPotentially Incorporates minor, unresolved event from earlier in the - meaning in dreams- many elements relate to Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Dreams are the «royal» road to the unconscious

Dreams are the «royal» road to the unconscious

Слайд 3 The unacceptable thoughts are disguised as symbolic

The unacceptable thoughts are disguised as symbolic


Слайд 4 Freud vs. Jung Dream Theories
Personal unconscious
Negative id drives

Freud vs. Jung Dream TheoriesDangerousPersonal unconsciousNegative id drives of sex/aggressionWish fulfillmentFree

of sex/aggression

Wish fulfillment

Free association
Potentially dangerous force of nature
Personal &

Collective unconscious
Bright shadow



View of Unconscious



Function of dream

Analytic tool

Слайд 5 Incorporates minor, unresolved event from earlier in the

Incorporates minor, unresolved event from earlier in the   day—a piece of “unfinished business”

day—a piece of “unfinished


Слайд 7
- meaning in dreams

- meaning in dreams- many elements relate to waking

many elements relate to waking thoughts

and concerns

  • Имя файла: mysteries-of-dreams.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0