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Презентация на тему Time management

PLAN1. Definition of time management2. Time management content3. Myths about time management 3.1. No one can manage time 3.2. Time management means working more and harder 3.3. The use of time management turns a person into robot4. Principles of time management 4.1. Plan your actions 4.2. Identify the desired result 4.3. Commit
Presented by:Plotkina AnastasiaKovyryagina Viktoria PLAN1.	Definition of time management2.	Time management content3.	Myths about time management	3.1.	No one can manage Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems Time management consist of:strict account of the time;optimization time resources;planning of the Some believe that time management is needed only for work and in Myth 1. No one can manage timeTime management is about managing your Myth 2. Time management will make me work more and harder Elimination of unnecessary tasks and so-called Myth 3. The use of time management makes me a robot that Principle 1: Plan your actionCommit purpose in writing;Plan your day;Divide large tasks. Principle 2: Identify the desired result in the specific goals and objectives Principle 3. Commit your action plan Principle 4. Set your priorities Principle 5. Focus on the main Principle 6: Analyze your experience and create own rules Principle 7. Plan your holiday Thanks for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 PLAN

1. Definition of time management
2. Time management content
3. Myths about time

PLAN1.	Definition of time management2.	Time management content3.	Myths about time management	3.1.	No one can

3.1. No one can manage time
3.2. Time management means working more

and harder
3.3. The use of time management turns a person into robot
4. Principles of time management
4.1. Plan your actions
4.2. Identify the desired result
4.3. Commit your action plan
4.4. Set your priorities
4.5. Focus on the main
4.6. Analyze your experience and create own rules
4.7. Plan your holiday

Слайд 3 Time management is a set of principles, practices,

Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and

skills, tools, and systems working together to help you

get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life.

Слайд 4 Time management consist of:

strict account of the time;


Time management consist of:strict account of the time;optimization time resources;planning of

time resources;

planning of the day (week, month and etc.);


of motivation.

Слайд 5 Some believe that time management is needed only

Some believe that time management is needed only for work and

for work and in Russia it is ineffective


Слайд 6 Myth 1. No one can manage time

Time management

Myth 1. No one can manage timeTime management is about managing

is about managing your own life.

You will be surprised,

how many minutes and hours are released, once you start to act more deliberately and consciously.

Слайд 7 Myth 2. Time management will make me work

Myth 2. Time management will make me work more and harder

more and harder

Слайд 8 Elimination of unnecessary tasks and so-called "time-eaters" or

Elimination of unnecessary tasks and so-called

"chronophage“ is the main aim.

Слайд 9 Myth 3. The use of time management makes

Myth 3. The use of time management makes me a robot

me a robot that will do everything according to

the schedule, deprive me of freedom and choice

People are afraid to turn into robots, but in fact they already are.

Time management does not limit our freedom, but creates it.

Слайд 10 Principle 1: Plan your action
Commit purpose in writing;


Principle 1: Plan your actionCommit purpose in writing;Plan your day;Divide large tasks.

your day;

Divide large tasks.

Слайд 11 Principle 2: Identify the desired result in the

Principle 2: Identify the desired result in the specific goals and objectives

specific goals and objectives

Слайд 12 Principle 3. Commit your action plan

Principle 3. Commit your action plan

Слайд 13 Principle 4.
Set your priorities

Principle 4. Set your priorities

Слайд 14 Principle 5. Focus on the main

Principle 5. Focus on the main

Слайд 15 Principle 6: Analyze your experience and create own

Principle 6: Analyze your experience and create own rules


Слайд 16
Principle 7. Plan your holiday

Principle 7. Plan your holiday

  • Имя файла: time-management.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0